We have usually found that they are either 2 sofa's or a sofa with a pull out bed underneath with legs to raise them up to make them look like double beds

Has to be better that than 1 room with 4 beds (had that a couple of times but not now the girls are older so always look for the 1 bed apartments

Looking for next year ready - although the oldest girl is working now & will be 17 so no doubt wont want mum & dad to cramp her style

any of you going out in sept?? we are going on the 2nd 3 adults and 2 children was wondering if you are if your children are the sam age as ours 9 and 5
for thoes who have been did any of you go over to lanzarote on the ferry? if so does any one know how much it is??

In brief before I post a full review - there were no security issues i heard of but I exercised extreme care used the safe all the time closed and locked all windows and doors at night (secured the back door with cable tie) and left lights on and drew curtains whilst we were out in the evening - the bungalows are basic and slightly dated but clean and cleaned 5 out of eevery 7 days with fresh towels on each clean, the pools a immaculate at 8.30am by 8.30pm they are filthy but thats down to the guests not the hotel ! - we sytayed in A block which was well situated for the main restaurent and kids club but we spent all our time at C side pool (the one with the slides) we ate breakfast here and lunch - the snacks were fine if you like toasties etc but a good selection of salad and fruit available at the lunch buffet - the hotel was packed to capacity and it was very busy every sunbed reserved by 9am ! - the pools get hectic by mid afternoon and you need to keep a careful eye on children playing near to the slides and splash zone - the whole complex is vast but you soon get to know your way around - we went SC and upgraded to AI on arrival 20 euros per adult 10 euros per child per day so 210 euros for the week - excellent value in my opinion - the food was OK but alot of greasy food - I stuck to salad and pasta and rice dishes - my son lived on pasta , fruit, toasties and hot chocolate ! - lots of fresh fruit at each restaurent - the weather was fantastic cloudy until 10.30 am each day then unbroken sunshine and hot.
In summary this is a 3 star hotel no more but it does have good facilities for families, the rooms are basic but clean, children love it and adults have a rest because the children are entertained for you (if you want them to be) - my son went to kids club twice and he enjoyed both times but it basically runs all day on and off if you want them to go more.
Go with an open mind and be accepting of a few niggles and you will enjoy your holiday

Hope all of you going in next couple of weeks have a great time, dont forget when you get back to give us your opinion so those of us poor souls still waiting to go know what its like.
Oh well better get bag packed for hospital tomorrow ready for operation on above mentioned broken arm.
hi jackali, thank you so much for your review,im sure you have put a lot of peoples minds at rest,mine included, glad you had a good time, thanks again
I thought so too until I saw the last review that was posted - but they only stayed 1 night & it is a bit strong
hi kaznpete, what review was that?
Its under the hotel reviews for Caleta Dorada - its the second one on there althogh it has just been posted - they went in June
lol i found it, im thinking they didnt enjoy
Whatever made you think that
lol erm im not sure
does any one know if you need to take pool towels with you or will there be any there?
found it now well most people said they enjoyed it so in not worrying anymore
sorry i looked on this site now, We are going to a kids den 2 adults 3 kids 13, 4, 1 on 30th August anyone else going at the same time??
hi kellyfaelivi we are going out on sept the 2nd so will be there just after you get there we are 3 adutlts and 2 kids 9 and 5 im sure its going to be great
a holiday is what you make it and some people do just like moaning.

we went to Bulgaria 2 years ago, within an hour we were told how awful the hotel was, everyone had come down with S&D and people were leaving in droves.

we had one of the best holidays ever! yes we had some s&d and a few hiccups but we didn't let it spoil our time there, we just got on with having a great time.
i say go with an open mind and you might just be surprised

mind you i could be back here in a few weeks with complaints of my own, but at least i wont have done any cooking or cleaning for 2 weeks... everything has a silver lining

how true is that madasafishy no cooking or cleaning for two weeks,thats an holiday in it self
If your not that bothered about what people are saying surely the forum for 'who's going where' would be more appropriate.
what I'm saying is, TO ME it doesn't matter, I'm going regardless. i have saved long and hard for this holiday and some bad reports are not going to put me off. you pays your cash, you takes your chances, thats why I'm not bothered anymore, i can't afford to be. i just want to have a nice time away with my family.
one of the bad things about these forums are that it can change your mindset about how things are, i agree forewarned can be forearmed but if you do something with your mind set that you wont enjoy it the chances are that you wont.

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