Egypt Discussion Forum

Discussions regarding holidays in Egypt.
LTI Grand Azure *
1176 Posts
Thankyou, huskypup :)
I was just wondering whether we would be close to the night-time entertainment (cluster 8+9), but thanks for the extra info on family rooms. We did request a balcony room, and hopefully it will have the full wall instead of the partition :)
Hi, we have booked interconnecting rooms.....(we have 3 kids) so presume we will have two basic rooms with a door between NOT a partition?? Can anyone clarify this for me???
only 16 days and counting, we are going for 2 weeks with 4yr old and an 18 month old we are also taking the mum in law too!!!Looking forward to the holiday especially after finding this site,look forward to meeting anyone else who will be there same time as us
Me me me me me me me me...................

:hyper :hyper :hyper :hyper :hyper :hyper :hyper

24th till the 7th.............

Myself, hubby and three girls aged 8, 10 & 12

Soooooo excited...........

(p.s. Sullivan, got your pm yesterday, sorry im not ignorant :kiss )
I am going the 12 October for 2 weeks and a mate from work has booked the same weeks by coincidence, a total of 2 Women, 2 Men, 12, 6 & 4yr old children.

Cant wait, stayed in the Coral Sea Resort last year and walked down to the LTI which looked massive and higher quality, anybody ever stayed at both?
Hi Jason, its a bit off topic but refering to your question on the other thread....... :offtop

I heard that you can wander down the beach and enjoy the evening beach bbq from the LTI's sister hotel, The Rosetta. Also the free bus from the LTI to Naama Bay does drop you at the Rosetta and you have to walk the rest of the way.

Hope that is accurate and I hope that helps........ :)
hi all
i was there in the first 2 weeks of july i was in cluster 10 which was facing the slides there was another two clusters facing the main big pool and reception just persuming they are eight and nine ,eleven was still being built.the free bus to rosetta was fine but you had to book the day before to get a good time and a good return time as well.when droped off at rosetta cross road and walk upwards for about 5 mins (you will know when your there)lol.the only thing that i did notl like was that they cutoff your bands at 12 when you handed in your keys if you had a late flight they would give you vouchers for the buffet and drinks vouchers where for soft drinks only it just seemed very ungratefull of them after the money you have spent with them.also wait to book trips till you go to namba bay as they are over half the price of the reps trips and better
anything else i can help with just ask

Hi, I leave in a couple of weeks and a few people have mentioned building work?! Can anyone tell me a bit more about it, on the resort and on the jetty at the beach.......Is it very disruptive and noisy or will I not really notice it going on......???

Also has anyone stayed in interconnecting rooms? If so what are they like and is it a proper wall with door or just a flimsy partition?

thanks Squeeky xxxxx

Hi, we arrived back on Tuesday 8th, had a great time, fantastic hotel!

Don't worry about building work, its to the side of hotel, discreetly screened off and not really noticeable unless you look for it. Very little building activity at moment, think it's too hot!

Jetty being replaced gradually, but no problem getting out to sea

Friends had interconnecting rooms which were totally seperate rooms, bathrooms etc, with a connecting door. We had a 'family room' which had 2 bedrooms with a partition and door between. (nothing flimsey!) Rooms are very nice and spacious - hope this helps

pinkpage x
Hi Pinkpage, thankyou soo much for that information, you said everything I needed to hear....... :kiss

14 days to go............ :fly
Hi all, these have proberbly been covered if so sorry. We are off in mid september and was wondering a couple of points. Can anyone say how far out from Narma Bay it is and how much it would be for a taxi. Also are the beach towels included on the AI.
Starting to get excited now any help would be appreciated
Hi Carl, It 's about 15-20 mins in taxi, 7 pound each way using hotel taxis, but can get it cheaper if you want to flag one down and barter! Hotel runs a free bus but it's set times and you have to book the day before.

The beach towels are provided, at every pool and on the beach. Any more info you need please ask, as just got back this week (wish we were still there!)
pinkpage, many thanks for you reply, questions will proberbly start coming thick and fast now. :lol: many Thanks
Excellent review Pinkpage, you just made my day :kiss

9 days to go :fly :fish :sun
Hope you have a great time Squeeky! x :D
Hi, silly question I know but can anyone tell me if this hotel provides coathangers? If so, do you get many or just a handful??
Thanks Squeeky xxxxxxx
Can anyone who has been tell me if the water slides are open to people outside of the hotel.
Last year I stayed at the Coral Sea just up the road from the LTI and one day we took a walk along the beach path and seen the LTI, we took a walk round the grounds and were amazed by how big the complex was.

We could easily have gone for a swim without being challanged but the place was so big we never got as far as the slide pools. I doubt they would stop you unless they noticed the wrong colour or no wristband.

Just like to thank every one for there posts on this forum its been really intresting.

I have just booked a late deal to go to Grand last week in September and just looking for a bit of advice on the hotel really!

*How much and how often would you surgest to tip? I have been told to tip house keeping at end of holiday and people who carry bags to room on arrival and when leaving...?

*There is a brief mention of 'Black Horse Disco' on the website. Does this exsist is it a disco/ night club / kids club?

*As we are late 20's is there anything to do / any were to tavel to in the evenings?

*Whats the deal with the beach / sea...?Can yu not walk into the sea even part way from the beach? I'm a bit concerned that will have to walk all the way down the jetty for a swin in the sea!

Thanks in advance! :D
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