Ive had one of the worst mornings at work ever!!!!
Thankfully only one more week to go!!!!!!!!!!
Even if it does rain at least I'll be on holiday where I can relax! No more washing, cooking, ironing, cleaning (within reason), going to work, listening to customers moan and groan!!!!!
Tickets are ready, cases are open, last bit of ironing this weekend, just got last few toiletries from chemists, cameras all in chargers, passports checked there in date thousand times!!
Anybody would think I was 5 years old how excited I'm getting! Even starting to watch tv travel channels to get the atmos
Crazy I know - but I love my hols!! Can't wait!!
The weather forecast can't be for the entire island - plus if you go onto BBC website and put in Palma de Mallorca the forecast is good!
So that's the website I'm using from now on!!