Hi All
Just got back from the palace yesterday and thought i would tell you all how it went.
Well it was fantastic and i am already looking to book next year.
The room was very clean and suprisingly big. We had the sliding doors from our room to the kids do that was nice.
The food was great, the kids and hubby ate well every night and never got fed up with any of the food. Me been a vegi didnt get much choice at all but to be honest i had built myself up for having nothing to eat all 2 weeks so was nice that i was wrong. The kids loved the freash bread with the meals and loved the puddings.
The kids clubs we fantastic we hardly saw the kids form 10am - 11pm matthew was in the sylvesters club(3-5yrs) and keri was in the wavelenth, we paid for the chocolate parties ect and they were well worth the money and i would reccomend to anyone going that they give them a go. keri also did the high ropes which cost£10.00 but again well worth it, she came back buzzing.
We also put matthew in swim kids, which we did have a few problems with this but this was mainly due to illness, but they did compensate for this.
Keri also did tennis lessions and these were worth every penny, sam her instructor worked very closely with her helping her all the time(she has hand/eye co-ordination problem) she enjoyed it that much that we also bought a tennis racket of sam and she is joining our locl club.
The Reps and hotel staff were great they were always there if you needed them, and always polite.
The mozzies again were a slight problem and i did have to visit the doctor while there but just asked for the cream so i didnt have to pay consultaion fee but this still cost me 45ytl
So i think that covers it all, i spent a fortune in town lol and only just managed to esscape excess charges hehe. And i will be back next year, now i know the the hotel isnt splitting(spoke to rep yesterday who comfirmed) the hotels are staying as on village all facilities can be used the only thing is, is that the palace is for all "british Booked" people and the tropical is for "international Booked" people so dosent really change anything for me as i prefer the palace.
If anyone wants to know anything just give us a shout.
Vikki xxxxx