I went to the doctors today for a progress chat, I shown them the report and they said all the illnesses are down to poor hygene and standards, probably in the kitchen area. Now, if FC sent an independant environment officer, how difficult was it for them to let the hotel know to expect a visit thus improving standards during the visit?
Still don't be put of going, it is a lovely place. I understand the concerns, especially after that report I attached a link to but as long as you avoid problem foods, it will be fine. They have a good selection of different foods so I am sure you could miss out on poultry foods for your visit and hopefully, the place will improve standards by the time you get there.
What I am annoyed about is the care from FC when I informed them of my illness. As said the Irish rep was not interested and was adament it had nothing to do with the hotel, nothing reported all year and the rest of the defensive garbage that came of his mouth. He did say htey would check up on me and they didn't!