Glad you got it amended we did too, where are you going and when?

We are now off to the Coral Sea Resort in May nxt year, so sad to say i'm not going to the Pegasos but can't afford to take the risk with the kiddies

Nia x
Hi mwvickers myself wife and 2 sons 4+9 are off on the 12th of oct looking forward to it despite all the latest reports hope its not that bad.
First Choice are absolutely terrible at replying to complaints, don't let them get away with it. They obviously have a policy whereby they ignore all complaints letters until they are harrassed soo much, they have to reply!
And as for stemcp - How dare you tell me what to do with my kids!!!! If I paid £224 supplement for a kids den, then I should get exactly what I paid for and do not need patronising people like yourself telling me I should walk my children along the beach!!! How do you know that my children do not have a medical condition that means we can only spend a certain amount of time outside ???? You should never tell people what to do with their children, just concentrate on bringing your own children up!
we chose to pay the supplement because we thought we were going to get more space than in a standard room, which with 9 and 10 year old boys would have been an advantage. We didn't think we would use the ps2 much but that it would be useful in the mornings when the boys were waiting for us to get ready to go to breakfast and maybe if we wanted them to come in out of the sun in the middle of the day. We did plenty of walking and swimming. we never got the ps2 and can't say we missed it. however i still feel that the brochure was misleading in it's description of the family den rooms and that i paid the supplement for nothing, and that is why i chose to complain to first choice.
if you pay for something you don't get, then you are well within your rights to complain. company's do this on purpose as they expect most people are too idle to bother complaining.
The Jeep Safari Trip
is it OK to take a 3 yr old. I'm just wondering about the seat belt aspect as I don't want him to get whip lash.
any advice from someone who has been on the trip.
is it OK to take a 3 yr old. I'm just wondering about the seat belt aspect as I don't want him to get whip lash.
any advice from someone who has been on the trip.
Hi could anybody tell me if they supply beach towels at pp or do you have to take your own. Thanks
Haggis - Yes they supply you with a towel card per person and you can change them everyday from 9 til 4 or keep them for longer.
Sam x
hi would anyone be able to tell me if there is internet access at the palace or tropical?
re internet access, it costs £1 for 15 minutes in the games room. It is not very secure as I checked my bank and was sure the guy who runs the games room looked at my account via his terminal, he looked over at me a couple of times and looked as if he was up to something! I could of course been paranoid but just be careful on secured sites.
Thanks for the info Sam
I just got back tonight from the pt Mustafa had told me McFester had been really ill, so I thought I'd pop on and see whats been happening. Glad to hear you're on the road to recovery now though!
We had a good time, for those that don't know this was our second visit there this year having stayed at the pp in May we stayed for a week at the pt this time.
Firstly, the food, yes I agree the food has gone downhill since we were there the first time, there was definitely nowhere near as much choice as before and as someone has posted in the past a lot of it was pretty much the same offerings on most nights. This was a real disappointment for us as we LOVED the food when we were there before. However, I should say that each night I did manage to find something delicious to eat out of what there was. The fact that I've returned home with my clothes a little tighter says it all really.
Illness - well on our last visit, like Hayley myself and little boy picked up a really nasty bug, sickness diarhoeaa etc and only really made the plane thanks to a dioralyte sachet. This time however, neither me nor my little fella experienced any illness. My husband has had a lot of diarhoea but we have put this down to the beer, he had it every morning but he has this a lot on holiday as he never ever drinks. He was quite ill on the flight home but is totally fine tonight.
We had a jacuzzi suite this time, on the dividing border between the pt and pp. I was really disappointed that we were kept awake by the disco at the pt until 1am each morning. Just as well that the weather was rubbish most of the past week so we had loads of lie ins anyway

Trying to remember what else I was going to say

It wasn't that busy over the past week, so we managed to get a sunlounger most days (when the sun eventually appeared). I noticed that there were loads of old couples on last minute deals and wonder if the drop in the cost of the holiday for most folk has been reflected in the standard of the food.
Oh, we met up with "LeonardandNicola" from here and spent most of the week with them. They were actually seated in the same row of us on the plane. Nicola has had quite severe diarrhoea and actually nearly fainted at the market yesterday due to dehydration. She seemed to be much better today so we had been putting the skits down to the amount of spicy food. Hopefully thats all it has been.
We all did the 12 islands trip with Mustafa on Thursday and yet again he provided a wonderful service and a fantastic day out. I can't recommend booking your trips with him enough. I would like to think that we have made a lifelong friend in Mustafa, he really is a wonderful guy. My little fella loves him very much (and I think the feeling is mutual).
The visit to the market yesterday wasnt much fun, not just with Nicola taking unwell, but there seemed to be much more hassle than usual and I found the guys there even cheekier in normal, but not in the nice way they were before. We left in quite a hurry to get Nicola back to the hotel but I just felt they were quite nasty at times.
To conclude, we won't go back to the pp next year, twice in one year is enough to be honest, I really want to try somewhere else next year. We still had a fantastic holiday and the place is still SPOTLESS contradicting some of the external reports I've read.
I cant believe I nearly forgot about the mozzies!!!!! In May I had a load of bites, all enormous and all infected. This time? NOT A SINGLE BITE!!!!! I can't believe it, I didn't take my garlic capsules or my vit b1, nor did I cover myself in skin so soft and citronella oil. The only thing I used was an aerosol of Autan Tropical deet mozzie repellant. Not one single bite, yee hah! I'm so happy about that. I know the mozzies were there too as I saw plenty of others covered in bites, they must have been tastier than me this time, lol.

Please feel free to ask any questions everyone, I'm happy to answer.
Catherine xxx
Edited by
2006-10-02 21:48:39
Awww thanks


Well what can i say any different than has allready been said,loved it loved it loved it! only 1 gripe never got a proper nights sleep cause my bed was soooooo uncomfortable

didn`t have to worry about kids as they were never too far away in 1 pool or another.
Would like to thank Mustafa for the brilliant trip to the mud baths,what a lovely fella deffo kept the kids amused especially when they were allowed to drive the boat,turtle beach is a must also brilliant,
& what can i say about the jeep safari brilliant,Mustafa also arranged for Steve my oh to have a go at driving the jeep but Steve decided not to as Rammy was doing such a fantastic job

sorry for a long post but am so wishing i was back there

Mel x
Just 1 other thing i would like to appologise to anybody if they got the rough end of my son,he thought it appropriate to growl at people,mmmmm very strange child & if he ever hit anybody i am truly sorry for that,it seems the moment he got on the plane to go there he had a personality transplant from the little devil
hi mel, glad you had a good hol, what did you think to the food as there are some reports coming back that its not too good now?
I havent time to read back through all the pages but gather Mcfester was ill at the PP so sorry to hear that i hope you are on the mend now.
Just wanted to say i fed my 12month old baby off the buffet for every meal everyday for 2 weeks and he was never ill once, we never had any undercooked food when i was there (august) we all ate the salad and fruit everything no problems if i had thought there was anything wrong with the food i wouldnt have fed it to him or my 6yr old (who ate anything and everything also)
We had a really great time at the palace and although we would go back again it wont be next year as we like to try differnet places.

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