Well what a week we had there. It was PERFECT.
Arrived on Dec 17th (-28 degrees) yes it was cold but bearable.
The snow was thick on the ground and the trees, it was a real winter wonderland. We stayed at the Yllas log cabins which were great. Had a 10-15 min walk to Akas hotel for our meals which was a bit of a chore but hey we were on holiday.
We all learnt to ski, the kids put us to shame because they caught on so quick. We did the reindeer safari and a snowmobile at night. We visited Santa in his house in the village (did'nt go to santapark as we had heard negative comments prior to going). Saw the northern lights one evening, had dinner at Julli's (tried reindeer on our burgers) and just had the best time ever.
Yllas was a lovely village, people sooooooo friendly. On the second to last day our son had an accident on the slopes and the treatment we received from everyone was lovely. He has come home with a broken collar bone and a fractured rib......but it could have been worse.
Met some lovely people. The Akas hotel is also known as the Snow Elf.
Any questions just ask.
When we left on xmas eve they had lit the whole of the main road in the village with candles, it was simply stunning.
Will post a review of the log cabins too (would a lovely moderator help me out please for this)
If you get a chance to visit Lapland at any time in your life.....just do it.
We only had a brief blizzard for a couple of hours on the 19th.
By the 24th there was still snow on the grounds, but yes it had all gone from the trees and some of the mountains were green, and the road had practically melted. The problem was, that we encountered some really mild weather towards the end.
To summarise..........wonderful (as i think you can guess) !!