We went to Fishermen's Cove Beach Shacks at Mandrem. We stayed overnight in a hut on stilts and to get to the beach you had to go across a rickety old bridge, (like the Bushtucker Bridge in I'm a Celebrity get me out if here!) The sea was'nt as rough as I have seen it at other beaches, but you have to be careful of the waves. There were a few spots where the sea had left shallow pools and there were plenty of sandcrabs. I'm posting some pictures in the gallery. The first time we went we went just for the day and booked a hut for one night and we returned 2 days after to stay overnight. The year after when we went again, we had'nt booked, so our taxi driver got out and asked Philip who runs it if there were any huts available. there are plenty of other shacks with huts though ,there are some called Dunes which are next dooor and look as though they have many more huts than fishermans. Thoroughly recommend it, quiet beach with no hawkers, lovely food , watching dolphins on the sea.