Lynda-thanks for your info re stagecoach, going to ring and bool oldest daughter, youngest wants to but she is only 5, she can swim 25m but I might book her into swim school for her to have something of her own too.

Will take a bag of pound coins then for the evening kids sessions, they will enjoy the sweetie bingo and choc party. Good to know about the candy floss etc being payable, I dont think I will be bothering with Tom Watch. I'm sure I'll manage enough alcohol without needing TW after 1am.
The In2action sessions sound fab, do you think they will let me on high ropes
tracey-treacle-thanks for info re parasol and base, I'll never be up by 6am to reserve sunbeds, usually mosey on down after brekkie, so I think its a good idea. I might wait and see what you say about that when you come back.Have a fab time next week.
jettii-sounds like you had a whale of time, glad to see you mentioned play areas as my little un keeps asking. And no mossie bites great, going to copy your formula. I used Avon skin so soft in Dom Rep and it worked then(except when I forgot!!) Also peace of mind re security.
What were the prebookable restaurants like?I would like to book into one for my hubby's 40th and wondered which one would be best for that
Also did you notice anything about the building work next to PP