On our very last day of the holiday last year I became slightly unwell with a funny tummy but managed to get home without having to visit the toilet on the plane. (that just wouldn't have been fair on the poor passengers).
Once we were home a couple of days I knew things weren't right and went to the doctors. My son was the same too. Terrible cramps and then you know you have to find a toilet and fast!!!! He took samples and we both had Shigella Sonnei. This is dysentery, passed on by............... faecal matter!!!!!! (not your own) The thought alone makes me want to heave.
Could have been caught anywhere from anyone.
Within a couple of days the Environmental Health Officer was at my door as this is a notifiable disease that is very infectious. I work in Healthcare too so wasn't allowed back to work until I was totally clear. In total I was off for 5 weeks.
We took all the preventatives like acidophilus and hand gel but it just shows if you're susceptible, you're going to get it.
It certainly hasn't put me off Egypt, I love the country and can't wait to go back.