There is a documentary on Sunday called 'The Devil Wears Primark' on Channel 4 at 9:00pm, to explose the sweatshop conditions of workers who produce Primark's £2 t-shirts. I suppose it was bound to happen eventually.
I will be interested to see this, I'm not really a Primark girl, as we dont have them round here, may hav ebought once or twice when they first came on the scene, the cheap shops I have used more is is Matalan, but presumably they are not much different in their working practices as otherwise how can they sell it all so cheap?
There was a programme like this on a few years back, exposing M & S using sweat shops in India. So its not necessarily just the cheap shops.
I saw a programme about M&S where they went into the factorys they were using abroad in third world countrys, it showed the layouts and how people were given a certain amount of work space each (so that they weren't all on top of each other) and they all were given little caps to wear so that their hair didn't get caught up in the machinery. They had instilled a recommended maximum working day for the people there & ensured the machines they were using were regularly maintained. Also people from the UK went out periodcally (sort of management consultants) and monitored the conditions so that they didn't slip back into old ways. I dont know if that was since the programme you saw Helen or some kind of reaction to poor working practices that were highlighted at one point. But it made me feel a bit better about buying stuff from there. The people seemed to be happy to have jobs. Gone are the days when all M&S stuff was made in the UK. I am so old I remember those days, it was one of their selling points. Sorry this is a bit off topic from Primark.

Yes I saw that programme as well. The working practices were improved as a result of the previous exposure.
It made me feel a bit better. Perhaps that is what will happen with Primark after this programme

Helen T wrote:The working practices were improved as a result of the previous exposure.
As long as it doesn't put the prices up! I'm a single parent on a low income and I work hard for the little bit of "spends" that I have leftover after paying my constantly escalating fuel and food bills. Sorry if I sound like a dog-eat-dog capitalist, but I honestly can't afford to have a conscience on my shopping list. If I could afford to buy fair-trade/organic/locally-produced stuff, then I would.doepsmc wrote:Perhaps that is what will happen with Primark after this programme
I'll say no more, I'd hate for this thread to be locked because of an off-topic political debate.
I see they have pulled the showing of this tonight. Shame as I was quite looking forward to it. Maybe they will show it at a later date


I dont mind a prowl round Primark and normally pick up a couple of bargains, but when I saw all that mess yesterday I about turned and left. The next time I go it will be a week day and in the morning.
Last time I went into Primark in Manchester (on a Friday afternoon) it was like that Gemma.
As I only get to go twice a year, I have to stock up on seasonal essentials !
Thanks Juby, I'll make sure I go when it first opens of a morning then.
aw, milly, you will be like a kid in a sweet shop in the liverpool primark ! The nearest one to us is preston and its tiny compared to liverpool, I was really dissapointed when I went to the preston one in march for our tenerife holiday, only got one t-shirt ! But when I went to liverpool, I really could have bought the whole shop !
Got a whole day to myself tomorrow - daughter leaves for school at 7:30am and won't be home at all until the following day (she's going to a gig tomorrow evening and staying at her friend's house who lives near school) and son is stopping out tonight and won't be home until tomorrow late evening (he's going to Alton Towers with his mates). So I have plenty of time to go on a big shopping "bender". Not decided yet whether to get on a train and go and have a nosey at this fantastic new Liverpool Primark, or whether to have a "posh" day and do the Trafford Centre and possibly pop into Manchester Primark on the way back. Oh decisions, decisions...
cyber, no doubt, check out liverpool primark ! get there early, its a must !Not sure where you live, but if its not so far for you , then ( in the words of john barrowmen) go,go,go !
Cyber I would go to Liverpool, there's also the new Liverpool One shopping mall to check out now,

I will get to the Liverpool Primark sometime, probably next time I'm off work and don't have to get home early, so mid-late August, they'll have some nice Autumn stuff in stock by then.
There's a rumour locally that we are getting a new Primark about a mile away from us as part of a retail park we already have, but I'm not sure if it's true

Hi Cyber , I love the Trafford Centre , I spend most of my days off there, I think there is a Primark opening in Altrincham soon also.

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