There is a really great primark at lakeside (essex),that is about 15 mins from me by car,although im in kent.
No wonder my sister loves going hundreds of miles to visit friends in that neck of the woods!

clothes not that more expensive but the quality is so much better
vest top primark £2
new look £4
but washes and lasts much longer
I find it quite easy to overcome the primark vs newlook debate:
Good idea Dramaqueen!

I might just have to go again next week as my friend is wanting to do a "primark",my debit card never gets time to get dusty, :que,

I am popping in next saturday for my bikinis, and some underwear for my hols, and might by a beach towel, try and avoid primark in manchester its mecca for everyone and his dog, and the queues are horrendous..but its a one off.
Been really disappointed with Primark so far this year. Visited the Bham store earlier this week and all I came out with was socks for my daughter! The place looked like a jumble, with clothes strewn all over the place and to be honest I just couldn't be bothered to look. Have done much better so far this year at New Look.
Theres as programme on Monday at 9pm on ITV about the conditions the suppliers to them work in.It was supposed to be on a couple of weeks ago but was postponed for some reason.
Found some nice stuff for summer hols in Primark today. I had a lovely pair of sandals, some jewellery, a handbag & 2 t shirts for work. They also had lovely bags which were the ideal size for a flight bag.

Primark have loads of fab sandals at the mo, I bought 3 fantastic pairs for £6 each the other day and they are all really pretty
I went primark yesterday, bought a gorge gingham style gypsy top, and a unusual blue and grey tunic. well cheap, and very unique, I am going again for some gladiators, even though I have loads from topshop, they have some white ones in at the mo, for 4 quid, bought some ballet leopard print flats for 3 quid and some chanel esque ones for 3 quid...bargains...
I got 2 vests a bikini (they now do them for bigger girls up top) 2 pairs of leggins and a dress top (£7) probably the most expensive thing i've bought in there ha ha.
My husband boughts socks and underwear and a few tshirts.
Been and treated myself to a couple of pairs of the jelly gladiator sandals this morning. The beach where I'm going is a little shingly at the water's edge so I can wear them in the sea. 3 lovely bright coloured beach towels. Some flip-flops for my son and a spare pair of beach shorts. New Look have some really lovely vest dresses for £8 each, I can see myself living in those for a fortnight. Great with sandals and a jacket for the evening or over a bikini in the day.
Yes, they are a bit "rubby" but a bit of vaseline on potential rub spots usually helps. I think I'll wear mine round the house a bit before I chance them for a day out! Not had any nice weather to wear them since I bought them!helen1985 wrote:I was looking at those sandals but was thinking they might hurt my feet
agent Q - bought myself a lovely pink & white beach dress from New Look. Too low to wear in the night, but will be great over a bikini for a spot of brekkie or lunch. As we only have 15kg allowance I'm trying to pack a few beach dresses & kaftans instead of the heavier shorts & vests.
I'm going for all out beach baby look this year... I'm aiming on getting the best tan I've ever had!

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