Went in Primark today (Manchester), just to get some more cheap sunglasses to replace the ones which were lost and/or broken in Fuerte this Easter. Finished up coming out with 3 bags of stuff - honestly I'm lethal in there
I finally gave in to this strange trend for "maternity smocks" which everyone seems to be wearing, wasn't keen on them for a while, but they're in every shop window and every fashion magazine so I thought I'd better invest while it's hot, especially as I have quite a "bump" after 2 weeks of all-inclusive over-indulgence in Fuerteventura

The store assistants brought out a couple of lovely new styles while I was there and it was like watching zoo animals at feeding time...
Also got some nice ¾ pants and boob tubes, but forgot to look at strapless bras to go with the boob tubes - ah well, I'll just have to go back next week
Lots of new bikini styles which weren't there a few weeks ago, the ones I bought 3-4 weeks ago have now sold out. Lots more colourful beachwear too. There were some lovely little skirts, great for on the beach, but for some reason they weren't with the beachwear - good job I spotted them, too nice to miss. They still had a few funky patterned suitcases left, I considered getting one to put all my shopping in but I would have felt daft on the bus with it.
The big downside is their lovely trendy brown paper bags they put all your goodies in
That must be a posh London thing - here "oop North" we still have the big plastic bags - rainproof and everything