This doesn't surprise me and sounds like one of Michael O'Leary's cheap publicity stunts (ie get the airline in the public eye without having to pay for publicity). I can't see this ever coming in to effect as there are human rights issues to consider.
We booked out flights to Brindisi several months ago and at the time were charged for an airport check in as there are 5 of us and we are checking in some suitcases. Now they are closing the check-in desks and folks have to do it online but when I check on thier website it says we can't check in online as we have bags to check in! Erm, so if there are no check in desks, how are we supposed to check in???
BTW - Do you think (and of course I know the answer to this one anyway....) they will kindly refund the amount they charged us for a service they no longer provide?
There's a lot of questions yet to be answered before they scrap check-in desks at the beginning of 2010. They'll still need to have a fast bag drop off desk for those wanting to check-in luggage, after they've checked-in online. It's the long term aim of Ryanair though to not have checked-in luggage and have hand luggage only.
Another group of people who can't check-in online at present are those disabled who need assistance. It will be interesting to see how they handle this given Ryanair's past attitude and the infamous (and illegal) attempt to charge them for wheelchairs to the gate.
just seen this about the toilet issue, i wouldn't be suprised, he was the only man that wanted the security lifting praticaly striaght away because of his wallet, no consideration for the saftey of passangers or in fact the public.
Michael makes a lot of this stuff up as he goes along - is that tactful way of saying Oh no he's done it again? I bet the easyjet press office are out celebrating tonight! I would dispute the claim that passengers are used to paying to use the toilets at railway stations, in my experience only a handful of stations in Europe charge and these are usually in areas with a problem of wandering local undesirables. And anyway, shouldn't he be comparing it with what happens on the actual trains?
I like the spokesmans comment that see my post above:
Dazbo5 wrote:This doesn't surprise me and sounds like one of Michael O'Leary's cheap publicity stunts (ie get the airline in the public eye without having to pay for publicity). I can't see this ever coming in to effect as there are human rights issues to consider.
MOL know's exactly what he's doing. Ryanair are now on all the media networks across europe all for a few commnts and have got people talking about Ryanair. When you next come to book a flight, who's going to be in your mind? Easyjet or Ryanair? And it's cost him nothing to do it. People may not like some of the things he comes out with, but he know's how to wind the media up and get the name of his airline in the headlines. He does this regularly, and it cost them nothing.
Actually O'Leary is the number 1 reason I never even think about booking with Ryanair. After getting involved in a thread about Bremen a few weeks ago I'd thought about going back there myself but I looked into it and Ryanair was the only company who could get me there in a reasonable time - so I gave up.
Mr O'Leary has been taking the pee for years, and now he talks about charging passengers for the privilege. As Darren suggests, it's all about making the headlines, catching the public's attention, and provoking discussion about Ryanair on forums such as this. In Mr O'Leary's eyes, any publicity is good publicity, especially when you can get it for free. He has once again succeeded and bookings will probably soar this weekend as the result of the publicity he has attracted today. Say what you like about him, but he knows how to work the media and the public !!
He ought to be running the country, haha , sorry I forgot he's a Paddy.
Thanks Darren. It's the first time we will have flown Ryanair (maybe the last....)
gozomark wrote:the security person asked if i'd had it in my bag on the way out as the X-ray's may affect the bar code!!
its not a bar code as such, just something printed on a piece of paper, so that sounds bonkers - did you get charged for the manual boarding card ?
No charge but had to go to specific Ryanair desk and then rejoin the security queue, was cutting it fine for time after that... until I got to gate and there was an hour delay !!
Dazbo5 wrote:That's a new one on me and it not a sensible answer to the problem. There's no way x-rays would cause that problem to a printed boarding card, let alone one printed on a home computer. It's more likely to be a problem with actual printing, maybe the paper and ink used made the bar code difficult to read or if it's got damp at any stage, altered the spacings (ink run slightly)?
I printed both outbound and inbound on the same printer and the inbound was kept flat inside my work file all the way out there ??? I don't believe the X-ray thing either but from now on I'm checking in for the return in the Dublin office and printing it there !
I found this rather amusing link from an online paper.
We have just booked with Ryanair, Bournemouth to Reus, cant beat £35 each return.
HELP!!! I've a confirmed flight to Billund on Monday 9th - FR 5178 dep STN 18:00 arr BLL 20:30, returning on Saturday 14th on FR 5179 dep BLL 20:55 arr STN 21:30. I've just had a phone call from friends in Denmark to say they can't find these flights on the computer. I've had a look at Ryanair's site, as if making a new booking, and indeed there is only one flight showing outbound, early in the morning, and two inbound, neither of which are at 20.55. I then went into "Manage my Booking" which gave me the same confirmation as I already have. This confirmation says they will contact me at my e-mail address if there are any changes but when? What would happen if my computer's playing up as it's been doing recently?
jayjan - that's good!!
aslemma .. could it not just be a simple case of the flight now being fully booked, and no longer showing on their availability pages.
Thank you both so much for setting my mind at rest. I've just managed to check-in on line for both flights but was still not convinced the first one existed. It was my friends in Denmark who worried me as they'd looked on the net to confirm the arrival time and it simply didn't tie up with what I'd told them!!

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