well....im really proud of myelf,just done it!!!! booked myself in for a wax
oh my god,its gonna really hurt isnt it....(the answer i really want to here is no!!!!), having lower legs and armpits done too!!!! oh well. in for a penny and all that!!!! ouch xx
when the salon done my bikini line first time i walked around like John Wayne for hours and it only lasted a few days .... lower legs and you`ll be fine, armpits not sure .... thing is it`s like giving birth.. you forget the pain but just know you don`t wanna do it again!!!!!
Had mine done yesterday - full leg, bikini and underarms. - Didn't find it painful at all - although the girl doing it, did say I had a high pain threshold!!!
what about that stuff you can use for very sore throats....you spray it to the back of your throat and it numbs it!!!!!!..do you think that would work?????...yes....i would try anything...i have no pain threshold what so ever!!!its 5 years since childbirth...and yep,i had completely fogotton the pain (untill my sister in law had her baby 6 weeks ago) so now the pain is fresh in my mind and im already thinking...."what ever possessed me" !!! going to be a very brave girl!!! hahaha
i put ice cubes in a freezer bag to use to numb my skin first and it bloody hurt and i bled.. so had a bath and tried it again and it didn`t hurt as much as it did when i was frozen so maybe the hot water has opened the pores and softened the hair so i think i`ll try it again..
I got a liquid called no bumps from my beauty salon and its fantastic. You use it a few days before shaving or waxing and then daily. It helps prevent ingrowing hairs and it also stops bumps and rashes.
Yeh thats the one. Its in green bottle. I paid £10 for mine from beauty salon. It lasts ages. Got mine in May and still got half a bottle left. One tip when applying, pour abit of liquid on to finger tips and then apply to skin as if you use cotton wool, the cottonwool soaks up most of the liquid so you'll use alot more