The wax strips (rub between your hands type) that I tried didn't draw blood.
I only got so far down his back when I had to admit defeat as I was laughing so much my ribs hurt !
Bless him, we went on holiday the next day and it took him days to take his top off and when he did, he burnt like a bbq sausage, god love him !!
never again will he let me practice on him, shame really as I've just bought a d.i.y eyelash tinting kit ...................

Eyelash tinting is much less painful. Couple of tips - put vaseline on your lids with a cotton bud to catch any smudges and use an old mascara brush rather than the silly plastic stick they give you.
I tried the wax strips and couldn't get any hair off with them. They aren't very good.
To stop from bruising and bleeding you need to put the strip/wax on in the direction the hair grows then pull really quick and don't pull up the way. Keep it close to the skin. Always pull back against the hair growth. Also try and keep the skin really taut, you may need a hand off hubby or bf for this.
I cannot recommend the veet warm wax jar enough for home diy waxing. Even the cotton strips are washable. It's great and I'm a convert.
Happy waxing.


I do think my problem was that I was pulling away and that's what did the damage. Will have to try harder this time!
Can't wait to try it now!!

well i`ve just tried to do mine today(waxing), it didn`t hurt but i did bleed,so i`ve now got an ugly rash!!
Sorry to hear it didn't go so well when you did your waxing. I would never use those waxed strips again, as if I remember rightly, I found them just too sticky. Not a good sticky either.
I can't praise the veet warm wax jar enough. I just rinsed the strips after I'd finished and they're good as new.
Did my underarms tonight and I think I made a better job than the beautician does. She always seems to leave a few stragglers. I think I might re-train as a beautician


Something that's always confuddled me - when doing your legs do you hold the bottom and pull up or hold the top and pull down?

Still waiting for my ingrow go to come,ordered it fri
For your legs you pull from the bottom up. I always do my own legs and have done for years, but not anywhere else, too much of a wuss.
You put the wax on in the same direction of growth and take it off in the opposite direction of the hair growth.
Emma x
i used to use the wax in a pot years ago(think it was immac) put in the microwave, but a friend used to do my legs for me.. i tried them strips on me leg last night and only pulled a few out, i thought if i try doing it now, when i go away in 6 weeks the hair growth might be reduced, think i might buy a pot of wax and try that!!! was gonna buy a laser thingy at xmas but bought an exercise thingy instead

I've just invested in a Phillips Epillator (half price at the moment in Boots £32.99) on recommendations from my Sister In Law who always uses one and swears by it (thought I may be swearing AT it, if I was in too much pain

However, I have used it and must say, I was very very impressed. Legs - not too much pain, you get used to it after the first few maneouves! Underarm - bit more painful, but again, it doesn't take long until you rise above the pain. Bikini Line - a doddle - a lot less painful than waxing and no rash whatsoever!
Am really pleased with it, and have been told that the more you use it, the hairs grow back alot finer and therefore are easier to remove
If I can do it - anyone can !!!!!!

Best Regards

Thank you, ladies. If I cope with the waxing I might hint for an epilator for christmas

I do have waxing done......everywhere bar my legs, I can't stand the regrowth period so just shave instead.
Any more views on epilators would be gratefully received and also what make model to purchase ?

my hubby bought me one abt 5/6 yrs ago when they were nearly £60 and i`ve used it once..
sorry but i`ve done waxing and using that THING knacks..i was nearly in tears it hurt that much

think about tweezers...lots of them all pulling your hairs out at the same time

That sounds like a torture instrument to me like.

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