What a great thread, been laughing my head off!
Everything that I have read is true...shaving rash is a pain and hair removal cream stinks!
I usually use hair removal cream the day before I go and then take a razor for the regrowth (although it's not usually bad after the cream). I find hair removal cream good as I don't get much of a rash but its down side is that it smells so bad. While I don't mind it too much my problem is that my husband hates the 'burning' smell.

I have tried loads of different creams and am still yet to find one that doesn't have that awful smell!
I like the idea of waxing and that Veet tub that stemma described sound good (might give it a try) but have tried waxing in the past and it's always been rubbish. Think it's me rather than the product so does anyone have any tips for successful home waxing?