Hi all, I think this might be one for one of the ex-services contributors but any help will be appreciated, last week whilst saiing from Birgu to Sliema in a Dghajser one of the boat guys told me that after WW2 the british colonial authorities cleared Grand Harbour Valletta of all sunken ships, submarines, aircraft and any other WW2 debris, now this came a a surprise to me as I was led to believe that there were numerous wrecks still down there including a couple of war graves, but according to this chap there isn't and hasn't been for many years probably since the forties, fifties or sixties, so can anyone shed any light on this for me as I would be very interested to read more about it, exactly what they found and would welcome any web links to photos if there is any, according to him the british government did this as they didn't want the expense of maintaining the rn ships as war graves ????, all info on this fascinating and sad subject would be most appreciated.
L-isbah xewqat

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