You'll find the link to TCX's inflight magazines on our What Aircraft? Guide (link below) that includes IFE information for the current quarter.
Hi Dazbo, just looked on the 'what aircraft' thread but couldn't find a link there to the inflight magazine. Can you help please?
Here is the link to the emagazine page for Thomas Cook.

No problem Darren
I think it will be the other way around as we booked flight only (don't like hotels and wouldn't pay a travel agent the money they want to stay in a villa). It makes sense now that you have explained it that the flights on the Glasgow Airport website are for packages as the link takes you to Thomas Cook and we booked our flight through flythomascook.
Either way thanks very much for taking the time to respond, much appreciated.
Now we just need to get through to their call centre to arrange our seats next to each other and everything will be OK!!
Hi Darren, I've had a change of plan from Egypt, and now I'm off to Paphos on 29th June, I'm just wondering if you can tell me what aircraft it will be? I presume it will be a 752 or 753, but hoping it's a 763!
Still haven't had the phone call from TC customer services but I thought I'd give the priority seat selection another go. Pleased to say it's worked this time and it recognised that I'd already booked 'your seat, your choice' so I only had to pay the £6 pp per flight extra because of the early seat selection.
TBH, I don't know if I've done the right thing but I've booked the back seats which don't recline. The reason I booked these is that we won't be bothered about reclining seats since we're not on a long haul flight and they were the only seats that were a pair i.e. there wasn't a third seat attached. I'm not unsociable or anything but I like it when we don't have to disturb anybody else if we feel the need to stretch our legs or go to the loo. I was all ready to book 2 aisle seats opposite each other until I spotted these. Are there any other disadvantages apart from the seats not reclining. I suppose we'll be close to the loo and might have a few people queuing now and again. On the other hand we might be with the first getting our meal, drinks and duty free

We don't really see the Boeing 757-300's in Manchester these days. Gatwick normally has them and Manchester has the Boeing 767-300/ER's now with their huge winglets. MAN-PFO-MAN (TCX206K/L) is historically a Boeing 767-300/ER, but i won't be able to confirm up until the middle of May.
Ok Darren, thanks for your reply.
Thanks Darren & Angie. I've managed to access the booking seats section now, but I'm not going to bother for a while. From what I can see the only seats that are unavailable are the exit seats. It's going to cost an extra £46 so I'm going to hang fire and see what happens as the time gets closer.
Have you heard anything about Thos Cook starting flying from Toronto to MoBay later this year taking over the Skyservice flights.
I've not heard that, no. Thomas Cook regularly leased aircraft to Sky Service (Airbus A320 & Boeing 757) to operate flights in Canada's busy months that coincided with the quieter British months. I wouldn't have thought Thomas Cook would operate any service direct, however they may enter a lease agreement to lease aircraft or operate them on behalf of an operator.
Thanks Darren
Sunaddict wrote:Hi Darren
Have you heard anything about Thos Cook starting flying from Toronto to MoBay later this year taking over the Skyservice flights.
In 2011 Jazz Airlines in Canada, are ot be rebranded as Thomas cook airlines and will start up charter work from Canada.
With immediate effect, today it was announced that all IFE on narrow bodied aircraft is to be pulled (all short haul flying on 757s, a320s and a321s) from 1st May
This is due to lower demand from passengers, lack of spares and support from system manufacturers, the upkeep of the systems etc, cost of licensing films against all this makes it a loss to provide it!
Eventually in a couple of mths, there will be a type of rentable device for onboard use to include games/films
Thanks for the update MikeBravo. I'm afraid that seals my use of TCX now. Things have been going downhill for a while and I can understand the reasoning behind it, but my allegiance will be eslewhere now given comparable costs.
I'm a bit confused to what pitch I will get as I get conflicting reports.
this link
says 35 31 and 30 depending what type of plane it is.
Which I do not know what type of plane it is, ( I think a 757 ) but do not know what type
Other sites says ONLY 28.
Birmingham airport
Depart Wed June 16th 2010
Time 7.30
ref tcx903k
ibiza airport
Depart Wed June 23rd 2010
Time 12.00
ref tcx903L
Please could you help with pitch and type of plane
Many Thanks
With immediate effect, today it was announced that all IFE on narrow bodied aircraft is to be pulled (all short haul flying on 757s, a320s and a321s) from 1st May
This is due to lower demand from passengers, lack of spares and support from system manufacturers, the upkeep of the systems etc, cost of licensing films against all this makes it a loss to provide it!
Eventually in a couple of mths, there will be a type of rentable device for onboard use to include games
I would expect it to be the SONY PSP devices IFE Services provide, Thomson Airways have been trailing them, seem to work quite well too.
With immediate effect, today it was announced that all IFE on narrow bodied aircraft is to be pulled (all short haul flying on 757s, a320s and a321s) from 1st May
This is due to lower demand from passengers, lack of spares and support from system manufacturers, the upkeep of the systems etc, cost of licensing films against all this makes it a loss to provide it!
Eventually in a couple of mths, there will be a type of rentable device for onboard use to include games/films
I've got a couple of nasty suspicious feelings about this:-
"lower demand" maybe means folk didn't want to buy the overpriced TCX junk headsets and were bringing their own proper ones (as I always do)
"rentable device" means a new opportunity for TCX to extract even more cash from passengers
Also - last month I just flew back with TCX from the Red Sea - that's a narrow body nearly 6 hour flight - but it's survivable with a bit of entertainment. It was OK.
It's going to be a horrible journey on TCX in future. And the screaming kids on board will make it even more dreadful with absolutely nothing to keep them amused.
So, for me, it's goodbye to TCX shorthaul - hopefully Thomson will not follow suit on this bad policy - the TOM planes are better anyhow (and have far better in-flight meals)

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