Going to CUBA............
TC have on hold music "what a difference aday makes" sure does cos they don like answering calls.
I don't want a lot, and I realise I get what I pay for..............
Don't want to get tooooooooooooo grumpy, but bad service!
They say: Thomas Cook - Our world revolves around you,
That like the big bang? NICE words BUT they have to deliver!
Try: Thomas Cook - Our world revolves around you, BUT we won't talk to you!
Or answer e-mails, letters or calls. We are too busy revolving to help!
Now, Re my booking: part .net and part tele, bound to be a cock up, so no surprise...........
only wanted to check IF I had food on a 14 hour + flight? I am a geezer, I do get hungry.
Feed-backed them, asking, waste of time, email takes seconds, I know I run it.
Your customer support telecoms, NEVER ANSWERS,
I only got through when I cheated/blagged it, then checked and paid for food on flight.
NOTE: Their "tele-comms" man < although surprised when I called him, and asked to be put through though!>
He said a max 7 mins wait LIAR! He checked his screen! he Must be right
I said I would prove it if he emailed me, I would send my call log, his mail is STILL awaited, I must have been on the hands free about 3+ hours in 20/30 mins attempts.
.net customer account didn't say? Why???? it look's good but useless.
Called Peterborough, 2 weeks ago, I go april and someone said will call in 3 <he he he he> days ( didn't say which 3?)
with .net and other direct sales, NOT hand holding US punters, Thomas Cook as a service company will be in deep POOO
Now I know why I have been generally booking direct! And have for the past 7/8 years and I holiday 2 /3 times a year.
1, they sent a invoice/bill with no advice on it. What was the £10 bill for? I did pay it, cos I didn't want any more problems.......
Sorted the others, like....
I mailed the hotel direct and sorted one query, took a few hours inc time difference
Note: the Hotel is on the ball!
I really hope the holiday goes better,
So far...... I am
Disappointedly yours THOMAS COOK
look on saynoto0870 .com for NON 0870 tele nos or it will cost a packet!