Aunty G.G.
I totally agree with you .I too was on that dreaded trip to Merida on 24th Oct although we where on the last coach .I did send some photos of the condition of the roads to Thomson .But I bet they won't even look at them..They still had a DUTY to CARE for their Customers which in my opinion they failed .Its a miracle none of us where killed.I know its made a lot of us ill to the point that one of our friends was admitted to hospital this past weekend due to the after effects of the conditions over in Mexico .Regards Stevie
But for the doubters among you, let me put a scenario to you:
If you were a travel agent and you heard on a Monday that a hurricane was predicted to strike within the next few days, in an area you were due to send holidaymakers to, would you....
a) ignore the warnings, not bother to contact the passengers who were still to travel to warn them of the hurricane, and continue the flights for those who had already left other words, put the holidaymakers' safety, and even lives, in the hope that the problem might go away
b) act in a professional and humane way and cancel flights to the area for the forseeable future; considering the safety of those holidaymakers, diverting those who had already set off and offering alternative holidays or refunds to those still to travel, ... in the knowledge that morally it would be the right thing to do. If the hurricane were to change course and miss the area completely, at least you would know that you had acted in the customers' interests, and presumably your financial losses would be covered by insurance.
We know which option was chosen here....and it was not the right one.
If the right one HAD been chosen, none of these people would have had to endure the horrendous experiences they did.
I would have expected Thomson to contact us before we travelled, as they knew about the situation when we did not.
What is your problem, why are you so defensive of them?
You were not there and really have no right to comment on the issues we are all raising. You have not been through the same nightmare as us.
Also the question of whether to fly guest out or not and whether to move them inland or not was made by Thomsons. If they had put the question to those who were due to fly that there was an hurricane and it may hit the area you are flying to would you still like to go? And to the people already in the resort offering them a chance to move inland and if they refused fine on their heads be it but these decisions were never made by us and before someone says it again yes there was a possibility of a hurricane but had we been told there was one already lying in the Atlantic with a possible path hitting the Yucatan did we still want to travel I think everyone would know the answer to that.
I am not quite sure how the twin towers fit into this forum - maybe Thomson reps were there but obviously once there was a disaster no one saw them.........

I'm sorry about that but it is really hard to say anything positive about the reps.
Just saying if you go to these places at that time of year
you must know theres a good chance of hurrican's.
It happens every year.
So travel companys cant take all the blame as people know the risks, before they book.
I wouldnt go at that time of year for those reasons.
This is a public forum so i am entitled to my opinnion.
and i wouldnt be surprised if i get get banned as they dont like anyone haveing an opinnion
and i wouldnt be surprised if i get get banned as they dont like anyone haveing an opinnion
What a ridiculous comment. You obviously haven't spent much time browsing these forums, which are full of personal opinions. Members are not banned for posting opinions in a constructive manner, adhering to our Terms & Conditions.

Dont think it is as you seem to have taken my previous post of
My question is why did anyone get on the plane at all you only had to watch the news 5 days before it struck Mexico there were advance warnings.They are as much to blame as Thomsons for allowing the flight to leave.I hope that these people have learnt a lesson DONT go into the hurricane belt during the season simple as that then you wont have wasted your money.
kmba You have made 4 posts and all of them are here in this topic. Click on the number underneath your name and there you will see your posts.
These people have had some dreadful experiences and my heart goes out to them.
But for the doubters among you, let me put a scenario to you:
If you were going on holiday and you heard on a Monday that a hurricane was predicted to strike within the next few days, in an area you were due to go on holiday to, would you....
a) ignore the warnings, continue your other words, put your safety, and even lives, in the hope that the problem might go away
b) act in a professional and humane way and change your holiday to another later date; considering your own safety ... in the knowledge that morally it would be the right thing to do. If the hurricane were to change course and miss the area completely, at least you would know that you had acted in your best' interests, and presumably your financial losses would be nil.
We know which option was chosen here....and it was not the right one.
If the right one HAD been chosen, none of these people would have had to endure the horrendous experiences they did.
PP For Justice and KMBA - same poster ?
"I think in future the best thing to do is ensure you have adequate insurance and book independently using the internet. I see nothing to be gained by using a tour operator."
You go ahead - but you're on your own. Hundreds of independent holidaymakers were left completely stranded - no flight home/no transfer to shelters/no refunds.
At least booking with a tour operator means you get something
Reps should be trained on how to deal with the situation.
Not just cross their fingers and hope for the best.
hi i woul agree with salsa1 about that, they should have a plan for these situations
This is a complaints forum where people ask for advice on how to handle a complaint.
If you dont have something constructive to say to help these people with what they feel is a GENUINE COMPLAINT then just click your mouse and look at another topic! All this is doing is making this topic go round in circles

As to everyone else, I didn't ever blame ANYONE for the Hurricane!! And as to "someone's" comments about travelling to a part of the world which has a hurricane season, I take this on board, it's a chance you take, but my complaint was for the treatment AFTER the Hurricane on the bus specifically!
I also still believe however, that as T's were aware of the situation PRIOR to our flight (as PP for Justice points out), I would have suggested that they at least have the COURTESY TO MENTION that there was the possibility of this, and thereafter be on our own heads. I had no access to I'net or TV before flying out as I was ill, but I still believe T's had a responsibility to at least warn people.
I would love to know how to take this further with them. I am only after what I believe I am due. Luggage etc etc...... They have just said (as I said in my previous note), that they are not responsible.!!??
PS - I missed over a week of work (I don't get paid for this) but I'm not claiming for that!
PPS - Was anyone else on a bus to the airport on this date that had their
luggage ruined (everything!!) - let me know what you are planning to do (if anything?)
Have you tried HT's Solicitor

We have teamed up with Ros Fernihough, Travel Law Solicitor, to provide the best information available.
Ros has offered our members free impartial legal advice. Please note that Ros does not read or post on this board any contact to her must be made via :-
Tel :- 01922 621114
Hope you get sorted................and to the round robin discussion on whether members SHOULD have known this or that before travlling............its a bit late for that now isint it..............they feel theyve a genuine complaint - thats why they posted on here, lets stop insulting their intelligence shall we?
How r u involved?

Ive have great advice from loads of other members on here...................and hope I can do the same for someone!

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