Glad you got sorted. Should have told you Saga are expensive. Interesting enough as my husband is a diabetic we tried Diabetes UK who were also very expensive. Your cost isnt too bad for 34 days. We are travelling to Europe in August for 14 days and our insurance is £115. Obviously you would pay more for 34 days and as you know the problem is the USA. The price is always ridiculous if you are going to the States; apparently they will even load your insurance if you are simply flying through their airspace!
I came back to give credit to Bradford and Bingley.
They called us this afternoon.They have had a change of heart and agreed to give my husband full cover on our existing annual insurance.
We very much appreciate their generosity although they did put us through H*** for 24 hours.
Problem solved.......for now anyway.
My hubby also has a heart condition and diabetes, we have found Age Concern very good, they insure anyone over 50 so don't feel old booking through them! We usually go to USA most years and it costs him about £90 for 2 weeks.
Just got ours with Manor insurance -£40 for family of four and to cover hubby(43) who had heart attack and angioplasty 5 months ago.Had some quotes from other companies at £250!!!
MPs demand travel insurance shake-up
The Treasury Select Committee has criticised exclusion clauses 'buried' in insurance policies sold by travel agents.
MPs weighed into the debate over regulation of travel insurance sales by calling for tougher rules.
Policies purchased at the same time as a holiday - so-called bundled insurance policies - often create more problems than those bought separately because people do not look at the detail so carefully.
Treasury committee chair John McFall MP reportedly said: "All too often, exclusions are buried in the small print of insurance policies.
"Holidaymakers are risking damage to their health or considerable financial loss if they require treatment while abroad or repatriation to the UK."
But Association of British Insurers director of general insurance Nick Starling said the risk to consumers was low, pointing out that only 1,700 compliants were received by the Financial Ombudsman last year.
Around 20 million people bought travel insurance in 2006, worth around £670 million.
With permission from Travelmole
The Treasury Select Committee has criticised exclusion clauses 'buried' in insurance policies sold by travel agents.
MPs weighed into the debate over regulation of travel insurance sales by calling for tougher rules.
Policies purchased at the same time as a holiday - so-called bundled insurance policies - often create more problems than those bought separately because people do not look at the detail so carefully.
Treasury committee chair John McFall MP reportedly said: "All too often, exclusions are buried in the small print of insurance policies.
"Holidaymakers are risking damage to their health or considerable financial loss if they require treatment while abroad or repatriation to the UK."
But Association of British Insurers director of general insurance Nick Starling said the risk to consumers was low, pointing out that only 1,700 compliants were received by the Financial Ombudsman last year.
Around 20 million people bought travel insurance in 2006, worth around £670 million.
With permission from Travelmole
Hi can anyone tell me which insurance company will cover a 17 and 16year old travelling to Tunisia alone. Thankyou for any suggestions.
Post Office
Hiya, can anyone recommend a good insurance company for my wedding abroad? Thanks
my dad passed away on friday lunch time. myself and partner should be flying to benidorm on 18th but as we cannot arrange his funeral till 20th
we rang thomsons and they basically said tough
i am covered by insurance but feel at a loss as to what i do will my insurance pay
As far as Thomson are concerned, this is a matter between you and your travel insurer. Hopefully you will be able to obtain full settlement of the cost of the holiday, less any policy excess.
However, much will be depend on the circumstances of your dad's death and whether it was totally unexpected and unforeseen, or if it was perhaps the result of a previously diagnosed serious or terminal illness.
Virtually all insurance policies will have a clause regarding pre-existing illnesses which should be declared in advance. That applies not only to the insured persons, but to any close relatives whose illness or death could cause you to have to cancel or curtail your holiday.
You will no doubt have other priorities to deal with in the immediate future, but I hope that you will eventually have the insurance claim settled to your satisfaction.
This year, for the first time, Travel insurance companies are excluding cover for flights within the British Isles. Coming from the Channel islands, we need two flights to get away (and return) on holiday but this year I see clauses like 'First international point of departure' and 'country of residence' (in which the Channel islands, IOM, etc are all grouped as one). This means if our holiday flight from abroad is delayed and we miss our connection to CI, the company can wash its hands of any missed departure or travel delay claim. Has anyone got info on a company which will insure us for the complete journey?
I am going on a RTW trip that will last 49 days and will take in USA, Australia and Singapore. I am 42 years of age with no medial history. Can any one suggest any compnaies? i have found out that it seems cheaper to get an annual insurance rather than a single trip!! Up to now I have got £58 for a yearly from Go Travel Insurance.
Any ideas????
Gill x
We use Marks and Spencer insurance they seem competitive and offer a discount if you have a M&S chargecard ! CBG
try InsureandGo (or some variation of that spelling
Weblinks to M & S, Insure & Go and various other recommended insurers can be found on page 1 of this topic.
a consumer society (that i will not name) gave "simple" insurance good for prexisting medical conditions,quality of cover and cost .you can take out a policy online and if required they also have a medical screening service. my worldwide family annual policy cost me £61(wife and i in our 50's).
We've got an annual policy with Debenhams that has good cover
I don't know what bank account you have but quite a few banks offer free travel insurance with certain accounts so it might be worth checking with your bank in case you already have it. I know Lloyds TSB gold and platinum current accounts offer it.
But I would encourage anyone who has free travel insurance through their bank to carefully check the policy to ensure that it provides sufficient cover.
could anyone advise me what is the best cover for elderly relatives (86 & 89 years of age) I need to make sure they have full cover (no serious ailments) Thanks

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