Yes fingers crossed.
I found this article on Yahoo news.
Insurance running out
this is one area where there shouldn't be problems. Even the cheap policies tend to allow automatic extensions if your departure is delayed. Call the help line on the policy document when it applies to you (not afterwards and not days in advance).
this is one area where there shouldn't be problems. Even the cheap policies tend to allow automatic extensions if your departure is delayed. Call the help line on the policy document when it applies to you (not afterwards and not days in advance).
Had a look on the Radarvirtuel site and while I understand that the flights over France are the test flights,I spotted one flying through the cloud from Moscow going to JFK over Switzerland, a flight from Germany going to Majorca and another to Puerto Plata flying over French airspace.I'm not sure about Swiss airspace but Germany I'm sure was closed down and France also apart from the test flights.
I thought it a little strange but I'm sure someone will know better than me why these flights which look to be commercial are operating when the news is reporting that the airspace is closed.
And my thoughts go out to those stranded abroad,I hope everyone gets back home safely and soon x
P.S Just spotted another 2 just about to hit the Atlantic over France also from Germany heading to Cuba and Punta Cana
Edited by
2010-04-18 19:30:42
Nobody wants a disaster to occur but I'm not confident that NATS will maintain their current policy with mounting pressure.
Test flights are all well and good, however, they are only dealing with a concentration of ash at the time of the flight and the density may increase /decrease at other times.
Personally I would not like to be the guy making a decision only to discover that the decision lead to casualties.
Whilst airlines/government are desperate to resolve the situation, flights have been hit by this phenomena in the past and this cannot be allowed to be overlooked by airlines when life is so precious.
Hindsight is all well and good but personally I wouldn't want to fly through the ash. My nerves would be in tatters!
This is my personal opinion and does not reflect HTs stance.
I think you're quite right. Unfortunately I suspect that the tabloids will soon get restless and join in the clammer. As Dazbo (I think) said many posts back, not knowing what they're talking about does stop people having an opinion - and journalists are amongst the worst.
I'm just checking the flights on and currently its showing a couple of flights over France (looks like they came from Germany), 1 near the top of Portugal, some buzzing around Italy, 1 in Germany, several around Turkey, a few in the Ukraine, 1 over Norway, but nothing over the UK or Cyprus... (checked a few and they are large aircraft like Thomas Cook 737 etc)...
AskCy: From what I've read (mostly on here), I think most of the flights you're seeing are test flights. Lufthansa did one and announced they were going to do more today. The last I read on BBC website is that some of Norway's airspace was open and I'm sure some of Spain and Portugal's was as well (southern parts).
I suppose if its ok to do test flights it must be clearing up then ?... which looks better than nothing !
This is my current radar display for Europe...
As you can see there are aircraft over many parts South of southern France...Some, like the Moscow to New York JFK which I've highlighted are flying but avoiding the dust cloud.
Airspace now closed until 1900 Monday, 19 April.
Statement on Icelandic volcanic eruption: Sunday April 18, 2100
Based on the latest information from the Met Office, NATS advises that the current restrictions across UK controlled airspace due to the volcanic ash cloud will remain in place until at least 1900 (local time) on Monday 19 April.
There may currently be some limited opportunities in Shetland for flights, subject to individual co-ordination with ATC. However, anyone hoping to travel should contact their airline before travelling to the airport.
Conditions around the movement of the layers of the volcanic ash cloud over the UK remain dynamic. NATS is maintaining close dialogue with the Met Office and with the UK's safety regulator, the CAA, in respect of the international civil aviation policy we follow in applying restrictions to use of airspace. We are currently awaiting CAA guidance.
We are working closely with Government, airports and airlines, and airframe and aero engine manufacturers to get a better understanding of the effects of the ash cloud and to seek solutions.
The next update will be issued at approximately 0300 (local time).
Test flights have shown no obvious signs of damage and the airlines are calling for the ban to be lifted !
AskCy wrote:Test flights have shown no obvious signs of damage and the airlines are calling for the ban to be lifted !
Remember we were all going to die from Aids, global cooling, global warming, swine flu...get the pattern. I think NATS etc. have dug themselves into a hole they may not get out of

My Sister is stuck in Los Angeles, she tells me there are 7000 passengers stranded there.
We had a flight cancelled in February for 36hrs and though it wasn't as long a delay (but still stressful) we were more than happy that they put our safety first. I am genuinely sorry for anyone caught up in this mess and wish them all a quick (but above all safe) journey home.
Just been talking to my Dad who's a retired Geography teacher and he's explained that the ash cloud has got into the jet streams. There's volcano eruptions about once a month in Iceland but the reason this one has caused the airspace to be closed is the North Westerly wind which has blown the ash cloud South East over the UK and Europe. How soon the ash cloud goes once the volcano has stopped erupting is largely dependant on the jet streams. The media will only report worst case scenario unfortunately.
Looking at the weather forecast which has indicated that the wind will change direction on Friday to Westerly would mean that the ash cloud would be blown Eastwards towards Sweden and Finland.
Unfortunately, there will be disruption for a while after airspace is reopened due to planes being in the wrong place and crew rest periods although I think that crews currently in hotels abroad will be able to fly as soon as flights start, (mods, please edit this if it's incorrect).
I'm still looking at back up plans for if my flight is cancelled and my Dad has said that if we can get to places by 5pm Friday, he's prepared to drive up to 200 miles (5 hour drive) if it comes to it to collect us so we can still make the family gathering on saturday. The first to be looked at will be Stena ferry from Belfast to Stranraer and get the train down to Peterborough and Dad pick us up there (only just over an hour's journey). The first thing we need to think about is the wellbeing of our twins but I'm confident they'd cope with the sail & rail as they are very laid back and easy going. We'll need to work around H being scared by sudden/loud noises easily whichever route we take, S can cope better with loud noise.
My other half is stranded in America right now, he was due to fly Thursday. Yes I want him home but I know right now he is safe.Yes he is fed up but I would rather that than he takes a flight home and what happens to BA flight 009 happens to him. All I can do for now is keep him updated with NATS announcements.
cate-taylor can do sailrail Glasgow? to Stranraer. Can definately do it at this end. Not sure about from Ireland to Scotland.
A long winded exercise but one which will allow travellers to get back home...
Will keep an eye on this story...
You can check the latest met office advisory here:
"the messages from the travel agencies that already have customers here say the priority is to fly back the customers who have been here the week before us, which could means that we have to wait another week."
Which raises another question: When/if we get flights out to wherever, what happens about getting back if the situation returns/worsens? If our flights out are cancelled the airlines will reimburse our money or arrange other flights, but what about those who wish to cancel because their time is limited and they fear being unable to get back on schedule?

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