It would only take one Aircraft to fall out of the sky and then there would be a blood hunt. I think they made decisions with the best information they had at the time. I would rather see caution and miss my holiday as I did than risk one single life being lost.
Lessons will be learned from this experience and rather than throw scorn on the authorities concerned we should allow them to do their job.
Thank you Darren for the voice of reason.
Well said Sue.
Anyway folks if you take a look at yesterdays Mail you should find the article I (tried) to post which demonstrates that the whole fiasco was bunkum...who has lost the holidaymakers
Ah, the DM such an educational Labour bashing, wannabee celebrity followers tabloid
Who has lost the most? I would image the airlines, the TO's, the hotels, the people in the tourist sector etc, all the people who depend on "us holidaymakers" plus those who use planes for business and importing produce into the UK.
So you lost your holiday,? is that the end of the world? isn't that better than losing your life and killing a few more innocent people on the ground who may never go on holiday?
Armchair critics who never have to make a decision other than "what shall we have for tea today" and wannabee journalists who day after day become experts in every subject under the sun, don't you just love them.!
I was reading this thread whilst stranded in Spain and there wasn't one person who thought it was "bunkum", there wasn't one person who wanted to jump on the first plane and test it out.
I'll tell you who lost was those who could have been wanting an air ambulance home or those waiting for a plane to bring in a donor organ, those who wanted to take their children suffering with terminal cancer on their LAST holiday or take a plane to some specialist for life-saving treatment.....
So some of you think all this bunkum was deliberately engineered to make some companies go bankrupt, strand million of people abroad, ruining plans for holidays and may have allowed people to die because of not having a new heart flown across Europe.?
Someone tell me. Who in their right mind would want all this to happen or prolong it further than necessary.? And don't forget it was other European counties too, it wasn't just the UK that closed the air-space, so it would be interesting to find out if other European citizens think it was bunkum"¦.or is it just another British trait of whinging.?
So you lost your holiday? In the great scheme of things you have nothing to moan about, you can get your money back and go book another one, and learn a lesson that life is full of disappointments....and yes sometimes the old saying is is better to be safe than sorry because there is no room for mistakes 35,000 feet up in the sky, there is no room for the question "will or won't the ash affect the engines" and I'd like to believe this is the reason why aeroplane disasters are (thank god) far and few these days.
I was peed off, I wanted to get home, but instead of thinking about just me,me, me, there were others who needed to be thought about, some who may now never have the chance to ever go on holiday again.