i know alot of you have been saying about how steep the prices are
but what we were told when on holiday this year is that the travel companies ie. first choice, thomson, monarch etc. higher and lower their prices based on how many searches they are getting on their websites for a particular place
so.. if everyone was to not search for a while you may see some price drops
-may be worth considering
Ive contacted you in the past about Visa issues Gramps and you gave me good advise about the Edinburgh Consulate. Also you post many interesting facts about Goa which I enjoy reading, so I dont have any reason to single you out or pick on you!!!
The forum aside, its like everything in life people get fed up with moaning and being down trodden all time, and all the bad/negative posts in here drags everyone down reading this stuff day in and day out. I for one am surprised many of the first timers didnt cancel and go somewhere else this past season because of all the negativity. It just gets a bit much at times.
No matter how much I loved a place I would not return if I was so unhappy about all the changes. There are some things that get my back up as well, but if it annoyed me that much I would be going somewhere else. There is a big big world out there and its easy to make friends anywhere in the world on holiday.
Maybe this coming season we will get some more positive posts. Everyone has 6 months to consider being more upbeat, although I wont hold my breath waiting! We all know the down sides but dont need them continuously thrown up in our faces, thanks!
Gemma33 wrote:My posting was a generalisation and in no way personal, but for some strange reason you have picked up on it Gramps, why? Do you put yourself in this category? Because I certainly did not say this, and was talking in a general sense.
Ive contacted you in the past about Visa issues Gramps and you gave me good advise about the Edinburgh Consulate. Also you post many interesting facts about Goa which I enjoy reading, so I dont have any reason to single you out or pick on you!!!
The forum aside, its like everything in life people get fed up with moaning and being down trodden all time, and all the bad/negative posts in here drags everyone down reading this stuff day in and day out. I for one am surprised many of the first timers didnt cancel and go somewhere else this past season because of all the negativity. It just gets a bit much at times.
No matter how much I loved a place I would not return if I was so unhappy about all the changes. There are some things that get my back up as well, but if it annoyed me that much I would be going somewhere else. There is a big big world out there and its easy to make friends anywhere in the world on holiday.
Maybe this coming season we will get some more positive posts. Everyone has 6 months to consider being more upbeat, although I wont hold my breath waiting! We all know the down sides but dont need them continuously thrown up in our faces, thanks!
I agree %100 with your statment here Gemma ,could not have put it better myself,thankyou

Well said Gemma33 - Totally agree!
I think we can all agree there are a lot of negatives and positives about Goa. The positives for most outweigh the negatives. Has anyone else decided to return to Goa with a bit of mixed feelings?
Has anyone else decided to return to Goa with a bit of mixed feelings?
I'm going in Nov' for 4 weeks (8th Time).
I have mixed feelings especially going there with a friend who hasn't been for 30 years!
My biggest gripe still is ... rubbish, cleanliness and bad food preparation... although most (but not all) of this seems to be directed at CCB. The rest ... greed, rip-off, etc. I can deal with. Goa is now an established tourist destination and has still yet to show whether it can cope with Thailand in those areas I have gripes with. This isn't rocket science, any tourism department could easily address these points.
Who knows if the 'authorities' will do more than knock a few 'illegal' shacks down and stop a few jet-skis and look as though they are doing something constructive. I think there will be more moaning in Goa pre-season than around here, that's for sure.
and don't think we will forget your promise of weekly reports Neil
Don't worry, I will!
I was disappointed without a doubt in November, having spent many years having wonderful holidays in Candolim, however 6 months on I have mellowed and the place is pulling me back again.
I will go back to booking private accommodation rather than hotel, *edited*. Without a doubt the central strip CCB isnt what it was and no longer suits me, thats not to say it is bad - just not my cup of tea. However a stones throw away towards Aguada/Sinquerim is quieter which I prefer.
I hope, but doubt the problems with rubbish etc improve - if not I will live with it.
Happy holidays everyone

Edited by
2008-05-19 04:25:55
edited due to possible libel
We are still drawn to Goa and are now looking into booking for either November this year or February next year.
We will still stay in the south, but we will either stay at a different hotel or stay at the same one, and do our best to avoid the people and the places that annoyed us during our last trip.
There's a fine balance between commenting on how the place is changing and being part of a pity party and "fings ain't wot they used to be" sort of dialogue. I think a number of us feel the same - it's still good but some of the changes are less good - but I agree, let's keep it as positive as we can whilst still reflecting the changes.
I'm certainly going next January provided I can see a flight at a price that makes sense. They still seem to be very expensive.

If I get to the point that its mostly the negatives I point out then I will give up, thats for sure, too many places in the world to visit to keep returning somewhere just for old times sake.

Don't know if you're like us Gemma - when we're there we say that maybe it's time to try somewhere else and then once we've been home 2 or 3 months, we get the withdrawal symptoms! Perhaps it's not so bad after all.

One day we were standing at the beach waiting for the hotel bus to come pick us up and my OH commented that everything was just the "same old, same old" etc and maybe we should move on and only plan one visit. I was a bit taken aback because its the last thing I thought he would say.
We had already booked the November holiday and after a month or so back home we started looking at prices for a second holiday in Goa. We havent booked anything yet and our options are still opened .... so we shall see, but I am sure we will be back in Goa early 2009

Seriously though, I have been so saddened by everything because with just a bit of organisation, they could sort the problems out. Some threads have said that as tourists it is our fault and we have spoilt the place, yes to an extent that is true but I think its more likely that the Goan tourist board et al just isn't geared up for the number of tourists Goa receives. They seem to answer this by building more and more hotels and then not addressing the important stuff like additional garbage, electric supplies, water and sewerage issues - these are not the fault of the tourist, it comes back to organisation again

As for going back to Goa, I didn't think we would be returning until next March but I am going out in November for a wedding. I am truly excited to be returning to Goa and to meeting our Goan friends and my God Daughter etc but I will be avoiding those things that annoy me where it is possible to do so. I know I will still have a good time and I know that I will return home totally chilled out and that is really all that matters isn't it

Change those things that you can change - accept those things that you can't change.

Wise words, Fizzy. Good post, I agree wholeheartedly. If you can't accept them, move on.
I'm sure most of us who have posted some negative comments aren't doing it because we like whingeing - we're doing it because we really like Goa and don't like to see things going wrong.

Goa is just one of those itches in life that you can't scratch, frustrating and annoying in equal measures but...........its under the skin and won't go away

but not untill Nov 2009

2nd and 3rd weeks Royal Goan Haathi Mahal [south]
Friends that came with us this year wanted to go back ,so good excuse for hubby to say YES!!!
We are thinking about flying via Dubai and stopping over for 3/4 nights any info on this would
be helpfull of best airline and good hotels.
thanks Ann

I really don't want to politicise / preach but reading peoples threads it is so easy to get wound up when you are there but once you come back and experience the 9 -5 grind, the traffic, the wars, the terrorism threats, the credit crunch ................. what does it matter if people say "taxi" 50 times a day, what does it matter that (and I know it bugs me too) that people try to earn a living on the beach......that is why we go there and that is why we love it.....if you want ultimate peace / tranquility then go to some 5 star sanitised hideaway and have a great time x

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