We enjoy Goa because of the people and the food and of course the cost of living.We are lucky enough not to have to worry too much about what we spend in Goa and usually we are pleasantly suprised when we get home and check the bank accounts.Just wondering what others get through.2 people 2 weeks
This year we are planning a couple of days on the south but in the past this would be an average day for us.
Shack bill 400-500 rupees depending on how many sunset drinks we have.Evening meal and drinks 1000-1500 rupees including drinks.Special occassion meals eg Souymans Kitchen 2500 including drinks and wine.
About another 500 rupees a day on odds and sods.We do not do a lot of shopping and I think last year got through about 7-800GBP but we did have quite a few blow out nights at nice restaurants.And spent a few bob at Manchester airport.
I know some of you will think this is far too much but interested in other peoples tales
Ate out well every night and used taxis all the time , we had 6 full days at 'far' beaches so paid full day hire for taxis.
over Xmas we spent around £950 between the 2 of us , was happy with that , didn't buy anything major but brought a few silver bracelets and a couple of kingsize bedspreads also a few odds and ends.
Ate out well every night and used taxis all the time , we had 6 full days at 'far' beaches so paid full day hire for taxis.
Phew.Thought everyone was going to be spending less than us.Out of interest what were you paying a taxi for the full day.
Papa , cannot remember now, possibly about 1200 rupees I think, must admit we normally spend a bit less in the fortnight , but I have just remembered I spent £95 on dental work which I included in the £950 , so I suppose we spent £850 on 'proper' spends.
Thanks Shirley.
At the shack each day normally between 500/700 rupees but somedays if we dont eat can be about 300 rupees. In the evening a nice meal in Souymens or After 7 etc probably about 2000 rupees but if we go to Kim Faa, o'Pescador etc and other places its probably about 1000 rupees.
We get taxis everywhere (use same driver all the time), never use public transport. We normally have a few trips to Ashvem/Mandrem etc and although we stay at the Marinha Dourada we do visit Candolim and Sinquerim beach too. If we are going to Baga Beach we get the hotel bus down and sometimes back as well.
This year we were there from boxing day for 20 days, in that time we spent appox £1000 for once we never really bought much.
Shack was 800- 1200 per day but that was breakfast, lunch and lots of soft drinks for us and usually a few for some of the sellers, most days it would include 3 large Tigers which we would split at the end of the day.
Dinner was anywhere from 600 - 1600 depending on where we ate.
Evening Drinks, started off me on breezers OH on Tiger or Fosters, we would normally have a "couple" before Dinner then a few more afterwards depending on if we met up with friends, We found our money started to last a bit longer when after the first week we both switched to Romonof and Coke,
We both smoke and probably got through far to many on holiday, and we did buy a few more cartons than our allowance to bring home, other spends were trip to the falls, oil of olay and garnier lotions and potions, brandy and whisky to bring home, massages, medication and a few more bits and pieces. I took no toiletries with me apart from suntan lotion so we bought everything out there also managed to get through a few jars of nescafe as we both like very strong coffee.
Overall it worked out at £25.00 per day each for which we had breakfast, lunch and dinner every day, loads of softdrinks loads of alcoholic drinks so I still consider it great value for money. Although we didnt buy much this year that wasnt really anything todo with how much we had to spend more that there wasnt really anything we wanted that much.
Now Ive got to start making a list for what I am going to buy next time as it was a bit of a comedown coming back and not pulling out a load of tat of the cases!!

Edited by
gooner fan
16 years 24 days ago
I did Three weeks this year.. Flight £315 Accommodation £225 Spending money £425, that included Royal Enfield for the whole 3 weeks, Presents to bring back and lived very well thank you
Goes to show you can still do Goa on a budget then.Well done goonerfan.
Mine was £425 for package holiday (no single supplement!!) and I spent £300 in two weeks. I also bought handbags, bedspreads and cigarettes back and had a great time
For the last 2 years we spend not far off a thousand pounds but we do go for 3 weeks this is only spending in Goa ...if we are on one of our trips to mumbai or Delhi we have money set aside for that ...I also always buy jewellery but again this is put on the CC so we dont pay that to we get home .....I still think around the 300 mark for 2 peoples spending money pr week is good .
we went for the first time in january and was paniking in case we didnt have enough money
we had a few great meals,loads of cocktails and done a few day trips, we also bought little trinkets back for family and friends and hubby had a massage
we spent about £450 for the 2 weeks and we had about 2000rupees left when we were coming home
so it really depends on how much you wanna spend...by the way my hubby also bought himself a £10 rolex....lol
angie xx
we normally dont limit ourselves but would probably spend about the same as papa. If you are there for the first time than I suppose you would spend more with the usual trips etc and being lets say easily led by certain Goans out to make that extra buck!!!
I don't know about anyone else but we find that the heat is a good appetite suppressant and we don't tend to eat much during the day when we are out there, so our shack bill tends to be small.
The first time we went to Goa in 1999 I came back with £120 in travellers cheques, but even with price rises since I still feel I am lucky to have a blinking good holiday with £300 spends.
We usually allow £50 per day between the 2 of us, this includes bike hire for the 2 weeks which is next to nothing and we always usually have a few quid left over for the following day in the shack.
I'll agree with FTV - £50 per day for 2 is a fair amount. I think last year our daily shack bill was around £9 - £10, night time eating & drinking out can be anywhere from £15 - £30. Depends what mood you are in on the day I suppose, we have always said we will stop going for 3 courses, but you find a new place, and well...
I went last March, me and wife spent £600 which included scooter hire for a week and a number of handbags. Didn't bother much with the day trips as once we got the scooter spent our days travelling up to the more northern beaches, had a great time up there and found we were spending less than days on Baga beach. Because we stayed in Arpora probably spent a lot on taxis but overall I was just so surprised how long money lasted. I assume this year I will probably have to budget a bit more to take account of poor exchange rate and price increases, although I will also save a bit not being new this year (think I may have been taken advantage of once or twice at start of last holiday) I think I also went over the top on tipping as I could not get my head into just giving someone 100 rupees after they had spent so much effort serving drinks and meals etc. so ended up giving way too much.
We stayed in Apora last Febuary and spent £480 on day to day living and around £300 on handbags, having a leather jacket made and presents to bring home etc. We could not believe how far our money went and when we had a count up at the end of each day we decided that our money was procreating because we had spent so little!!! Staying in Arpora a lot of our money went on taxis to other beaches and we had a driver for 3 days who took us on trips to Old Goa, the Spice Plantation, the Sunset Cruise and for a day at a Northern rather than a local beach. We also ate out at all the recommended restaurants and drank as much as we wanted. All in all a great value holiday and we will be back in the Marinha Dourada in 11 days. Can't wait!!
I also went over the top on tipping as I could not get my head into just giving someone 100 rupees
well if you ate in some of the places we do even 100 rps would be over the top!!

At least we were about average then from the previous posts,

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