Image of Eden Apartments

Eden Apartments

15 of 60 hotels in Puerto Rico

4 out of 5 from 81 reviews
1 star
Calle Roque De Los Muchachos, 1, 35130 Puerto Rico, Spain
The attractive, low rise Eden apartments are ideal for a relaxing holiday away from the busy centre of the resort

81 Reviews

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22 years 8 months ago
Im called Melissa and i went with my mummy, sister and my granny in 2003 and i really enjoyed it ... i went to the kids club and it had a good activity plan and kept me and my sister busy for a couple of hours. The europa centre is just down a side street and it doesnt cost much to go the the commericial centre (about 2-3 euros). We were recommended it by a friend and it lived up to the stories we got told. We liked it so much we are goin next month (May 2004) i'm really looking forward to it even though i cannot go to the kids club anymore because im too old, i will find loads to do.

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