Image of Thomson Destiny

Thomson Destiny

2 of 8 Thomson Cruises ships

A medium sized vessel of standard rating. Built in 1982. Thomson Destiny carries a maximum of 1595 passengers in 715 cabins, 9 of which have balconies with 408 having ocean views. There are no specific disabled cabins but movement around the ship is adequate for wheelchairs.

Cabins are small with limited storage space. Larger cabins have twin beds which convert to queen size and half size bathtubs.

Entertainment is in two show lounges and internet access is also available. Sporting facilities include fitness centre, sauna, badminton and basketball.

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273 Reviews

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Review Overview

  • Cleanliness
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  • Service
17 years 11 months ago
Dont go on this ship. Read the recent newspaper rewiews about no toilets for 3 days and no hot water for one,, Yes...I was one of the lucky soles that had to get up in the middle of the night.get dressed and go in search of a working toilet on other decks. The last day was a utter and absolute farce. All toilets where out of action at one stage and all passengers had vacated their cabins for departure and had to rely on public facilities.

Complaining got you was on the 3rd day ,,,,,I demanded to see the Thomsons rep and asked about the safety of sailing with unsanitry conditions that I got action. Our loo was fixed in 10 minutes. Surpise ....surprise.

This is a old ship and despite being told this was a recent problem our cabin steward said there was always problems with this old fashioned vaccum system.

So...............................dont waste your more and get a toilet that you can use. I suggest P&O or Royal Carribean.

What a bitter dissappointment it all turned out to be....................


Travel operator: thomsons

17 years 11 months ago
First ever cruise for us and we were absolutely delighted with everything about this ship.
Don't really need to say much apart from I would highly recommend anyone cruising on this ship. Special mention to the waiters in the seven seas who were fantastic along with the entertainment staff.
Would definetly do it again on this ship and almost all of the previous reports vindicate this.

Travel operator: Thomson fly

Mr Mrs Davie & Linda Swinton
17 years 11 months ago
As this was my first cruise I did not know what to expect. I was very happy with everything on the ship I thought it was very good value for money.
we did have a big problem with the sanitation which was a bit off putting but hey you could go on any cruise and have the same problem. I felt senior staff on the ship were not very forth cumming with information about the sanitation on the ship which in my opinion only increased peoples anxiety. Anna our cabin maid and most of the bar staff were excellent and I did feel it for them at time as some passengers were taking there anger out on them. In my opinion they did a very good job under the circumstances. I do thing the senior staff could do with more customer relation training.

This was our first holiday away from our family in 15 years. And I would like to say we did meet some lovely people onboard the ship, i would like to give doug and maureen a special mention they were like our own personal guide, they gave us plenty laughs throughout our cruise.

we would go on another cruise it has not put us of, next time I will take a portaloo.

Travel operator: Thompsons

17 years 11 months ago
Just returned from our second cruise on this ship, we travelled on the Sunbird two years ago. Fantastic great crew, very clean and great food!
This Cruise was Colourful Coasts and to be fair all we wanted was a week in the sun, so I cant comment on the trips, but we enjoyed Las Palmas and Funchal.

Our only let down was a six hour delay to Tees Valley Airport.
We were put on a coach to the airport and then left until another plane (not Thompsons) took us home.
At no point did a rep or anyone from the airport come over and explain why we were so late, what was being done and what our arrival time home would be.

A miserable ending to what had been a great week

Travel operator: Thompson

17 years 11 months ago
This ship has been in the news a bit recently and unfortunately not for the right reasons!

My Cruise itself was a great holiday, and visited some great ports of call in its weeks sailing.

The food on board was fantastic and the waiter service was very good, as was the Midnight buffet in the Seven Seas Restaurant.

The ships Showteam and Entertainments team where brilliant and the show teams dancing and singing was top form, and shows where well planned and choreographed.

The ship was very clean and the cabin stewards cleaned the cabins twice a day and where always around during the day if you needed anything!

Obviously there was a problem onboard with the ships toilet system, (but this could have occured on any ship including P&O, RCI and the other major cruise operators) but the problem was caused by passengers on the ship throwing items down the toilets that they shouldn't, including nappies and bottles! And people wonder why the system blocked.... the staff did try there best to sort the problem..but some where unable to get on with what they wanted to do as people where having arguments with them, instead of letting them go and sort the problem.

The problem shouldn't put you off taking a Thomson Destiny Cruise, as this problem really could occur on any ship at any time!

All in all was a good holiday, and I am looking forward to cruising onboard the Thomson Destiny for the New Year celebration short cruise in December, and in the future as well!

Travel operator: Thomson

17 years 11 months ago
arrived on the destiny on 20th october having never cruised before there was 4 in our party with another couple arriving later, we were all on the 6th deck and had no problems with the loos in our cabins but it was annoying when you were out at a show etc and had to go away down to your cabin to use the toilet alot of people were not as lucky as us to have them working, some people had no facilities in their cabin for 3 days
the captain then made an announcement that we would be staying in dock until the matter was fixed after that there seem to be no problems until the last day when we were at Tenerife we left the ship at 9 o'clock (having had to be out of our cabin for 9) to go into Santa Cruz arrived back at the dock to be met by one's going into town to look for toilets the receptionist had let it slip that they knew the water and toilets would be turned of from 9 to 1 but didnt tell anyone! after alot of cross words at reception they gave out cabin numbers on the 2nd deck to use which still had no water The rest of the ship was spotless the hand rails were being polished at 4 o'clock in the morning painting was being done all the time
The staff throughout the ship were very friendly and polite always calling you madam or sir, Ricardo was our cabin steward and we couldnt have got better anywhere,alexander in the sky bar was also brilliant the food was great with lots of choice The staff in the seven seas restaurant were great and put on their own show every night The entertainment was good always shows or quizzes going on.Having to be packed and suitcases out for 3 in the morning was a disaster we ended up leaving most toiletries behind
i would definately go on this ship again but probably around the med as they say it isnt as rocky, im still swaying 24 hours later

Travel operator: thomson

Sally And Gra
17 years 11 months ago
Just arrived back after our first cruise! Overall it was a very pleasurable experience. The cabin, although small suited all our needs as we didnt really spend a lot of time in there!!

The food was excellent .. top notch .. whether dining in the seven seas restaurant, or eating a midnight/lunchtme snack in the lido cafe up on deck!
The waiters and bar staff were also fantastic and the service was second to none! Cocktails were amazing :)
Entertainment onboard .. although i enjoyed it immensly was a bit like "Butlins on a boat!!" The shows were good, and i enjoyed the quizzes and gameshows, although I must say my partner and I didnt care for the resident band Club 5 at all .. the band were talented but the singer lacked charisma and didnt have a powerful enough voice to be nighttime entertainment (daytime possibly) However after the third night and we had heard the same songs repeatedly (sometimes in the same order) it became a little tiresome .. and put us off staying in the Oklahoma Lounge after the gameshows had finished.

Ports of call were good .. although excursions too expensive!! We didnt do anty of them and made our own way around the different towns!

Only other gripes are that the coffee and tea facilities were up on deck 9 .. which was a long trek from our cabin on level 2 for our early morning drink .. there should be a machine or facilities on each deck!
Embarkation took far too long . and there are queues for everything (we british seem to like them!)

Also i didnt like the fact that the luggage had to be outside the door by 3am on the last day .. and we had to be out of our cabin by 9am .. only for our luggage to sit on the quayside for around 12/14 hours!!!!!!! And for us to get 15 minutes to freshen up!

But all in all the cruise was lovely and i would recommend it .. although the actual thomson reps were not as great ( we were never told our flight had been transferred to a different airport!!)

It hasnt put me off cruising .. although i still feel as if i am swaying now (as if still onboard) :)

Travel operator: Thomson

B. Cunliffe
17 years 11 months ago
Arrived at the ship on Friday 20th Oct.There was some discomfort with passengers who had boarded on the previous Wednesday as they had had problems with the toilet system. Surprise ! On Saturday (0800) we were informed that the water system was going off from 0930 to 1600hrs -- they said it was for maintenance purposes? and low and behold we find that our toilet is not working (0815). When you inform reception that the toilet in your cabin is not working they just shrug their sholders and say that the technicians are working on it? So, we went all day without washing /toilet facilities, then when the water is finally put back on our toilet still does not work. Back to reception to complain, but again they are not interested and keep shrugging their sholders. By now there are quite a number of people complaining that there toilet is not working and we are all demanding to see someone who is in a higher management position than themselves,but they block all requests and keep shrugging their sholders.
It is now Sunday and we are still without a working toilet in the cabin -- we are told to use the public ones on the next deck up --- these were a total filthy disgrace, but hey what? the holiday has only cost us £1300, so what do you expect? Monday arrives and there are now a lot of upset and angry passengers on board, who are all demanding to see the Captain. We are all told it is nothing to do with the Captain it is not is responsibility ? well who's is it? -- under marintime law it is the Captain's responsibility - but we still could not get past the reception staff !! Perhaps the Captain see's this as a good job well done by the reception?
Tuesday arrives and we now have a situation that there are no toilets on board the ship at all !! yes no toilets, and when you go to reception they tell you to use the shower in your cabin and also offer plastic cups. Reception is now faced by some angry passengers and hooray they finally bring a manager down in the form of a Mr. D. O'Connor, the Hotel Manager along with a Mr. Taran, who calls himself a Thompson's rep? Both of these person's need formal training in man management and customer care!!!
I forgot to mention our lovely cabin maid who was a really nice young girl and cleaned the cabin twice a day, but this situation had now got to her and the rest of her colleagues, who were in tears at the situation and obviously the mess that they had to clean up.
On Friday 27th we finally came back to Santa La Cruz, but again the toilets were taken out of use, but this time not all passengers were informed. The only passengers that were informed were those who were continuing with the cruise. We were only being picked up from the ship at 1800hrs, and therefore we had to spend all day off the ship in order to find some toilets that were working.
Added to asll this we had the problems od the stabalisers either not be used or they also had a problem and were not working. The ship was being tossed about in relatively calm waters -- a lot of sea sickness and no toilets -- can you imagine the situation? Also when these so called technicians came to sort out the problems they unblock tour toilet and then leave the excrement on the floor at the back of your toilet -- only accesible from the panels situated in the corridors --- we have the photographic evidence of this!!!
Also we have been informed that this ship has already been in dry dock to have the problems sorted out? obviously they haven't and the Captain is now blaming the passengers for puttin large objects down the toilets and blocking the system?? what next ? Some of the crew have informed us that this has been and on-going problem for some time, but they cannot say otherwise they will loose their jobs? Also does the Captain and his band of pirates not realise that there are some good crew members who do feel sorry for the passengers and when we are told that there are some more crew coming on board to try and sort the problem out it is in fact that we are waiting for spare parts for the vacuum pumps for the toilet system?
You have been warned what to expect -- do not consider crusing with this company. The ship is filthy, it is also dated and should not be allowed to continue to sail in it's present condition


Travel operator: Thompson

Andrew Eccles
17 years 11 months ago
This was our sixth cruise. Our previous trips have included the Emerald and Thompson Spirit.

Based on our other cruises, I would say the Destiny is a ship to avoid, and certainly we will never book on it again.

Most of the ship's facilities such as entertainment, waiter service etc are of the good standard which is common to these cruises. In other words, the Standard expected - but nothing to gush on about particularly. The food in the Dining Room was very good and better than the Spirit. The cabins are small [much smaller than the Spirit] but adequate as you don't spend too much time in them.
We went on two excursions;- to Marrakesh and to Fire Mountain on Lanzarote. Both of these were memorable outings and quite reasonable value for money. Marrakesh is a long day [12 hours] but the destination is fascinating and the coach ride across the Atlas mountains is also an experience.
When we inquired about the trip to Mount Teide on Tenerife, it became apparent that this does NOT include going up the cable car to the summit-despite the blurb about "You can admire the awesome views". All you seem to get on this trip, is a coach ride to the bottom of the cable car and back again .

During the cruise 20th to October 27th the ship had two significant problems:-

1. The toilet system. 2. The management system.

TOILETS. Toilets in many cabins ceased to work owing to problems with the vacuum disposal system. People without working toilets in their cabins had to go up two or three levels to use the public area toilets. After some people had been without cabin toilets for a couple of days the ship left port one evening and all of the public area toilets were also locked closed, as they had ceased to work. This left many people without a cabin toilet and without access to any other toilet on the ship. In other words, out at sea and with nowhere at all to go to the toilet. The staff at reception did not give any advice and no emergency arrangements were made.
The following day the captain stated that the problems had been solved.
This was not true for every cabin.
On the last day, after departing passengers had given up their cabins at 9.00 a.m., all public toilets were closed down again at about 9.30 am. Once again, passengers waiting all day on the ship before evening departure flights, had no access to any toilet. This was done without warning, without any announcement, and without any apology.

MANAGEMENT. The response of the ship's management to the toilet problem always seemed to be "Too little too late". Ships' officers were reluctant to engage with passengers who had problems, there were very few announcements or advice, and they would clearly have preferred to deny the existence of the problem.
The motion of the ship was very bad even in quite light seas. Some people felt ill as a result. Many experienced passengers thought that the ship's stabilizers were not being used, and there was a rumour they were out of action. Once again there was no apology or explanation from the captain.
There were many children on the ship and certain rules were displayed for passenger convenience. For example, no children in the adult pool, and the gymnasium for over 16's only. The ship's staff made no effort to enforce these rules, with the result [e.g.] all the gymnasium equipment was at times used as play equipment by under 10's. Small children were running around the dance floor in the Oklahoma lounge and climbing about the furniture well after midnight, destroying it as an adult late-night venue.
I had the general impression that the management had no interest in, or care for, the passengers.

Travel operator: Thomson

Sharon Allen
17 years 11 months ago
This is our 5th cruise, we have recently been on a Princess Cruise, which we found far superiour to the Destiny. The ships cleanliness was good food was excellent,Charlito our cabin Steward was fantastic as was our waiter Gin. I found generally staff very polite and helpful. The entertainment was ok, shows were good, but I agree with the comments from another review, Club 5 are very repeatative, after a while you know what song was coming next! The cabin was excellent we upgraded to a deluxe room, well worth the extra money it was very spacious and as there were 3 of us was good. The food was excellent, I did not have a problem with food. My only critisism was the Lido restaurant it was cold and windy when we had bad weather. The tolilet problem was a nightmare we had a full toilet all night(as my son used it) not knowing it wasn't working so we had excrement in our toilet all night. The smell was so bad in the cabin I had to go to Reception at 4am after not getting any sleep ( in pain) as I wanted to go to the loo and it was full. We did get the loo cleaned out poor man came armed with marigold gloves, bucket and towel around he's mouth, I was so embarressed! What a job. After this experience it has totally put me off cruising with Thomson!

Travel operator: Thomson

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