I have just returned from a weeks holiday in Marmaris(stayed at Club Armar-have writen a report!) I am sooo glad i did not cancel because of these bombs. We had brilliant time and a looking forward to booking for another year in another part of Turkey.
I must admit it was quiter than last time i went. I went in late Sep last time. Locals did say the tourism has dropped since the bombings. I still went and like many others did not let what had happened put me off. People said i was crazy. I went last time and was involved in an earthquake, 1st one to hit Marmaris is a very long time. 5.6 on the Ricter scale i think.? There were no deaths, but it was shortly ater the big Istanbul one. We and many people were scared to death. We returned home early and for a while, i was put off the idea of holidays abroad. It was the worst experience of my life.
My point being, you only life once. ENJOY IT :D
