Has anyone else booked or travelled with Moustaffa for any trips?

If anyone is worried and reacts badly to most bites and/or stings, you could ask a pharmasist about Brewers Yeast, it flavours the blood making you less attractive to mossies. I will let you know if it works.
Could anyone confirm if turtle beach is bad for wasps? My wife is very allergic to wasp stings, and have read one report which suggested it was

To all that are going this year, we hope you have as good a time as we did last july we loved it. My kids say it was the best holiday they ever had. My eldest, Carly is still in regular contact with her friend Sadie that she met there (the girl playing tennis in the brochure) We all had a fantastic time apart from the few that moaned constantly. Do not listen to them go and enjoy, we are green with envy.
Beware to all parents of teenage girls the young turkish dj is up to his tricks again he was so nice until he realised my daughter would not give him what he wanted beware

Can anyone advise what the kids den suites are like. Does this in effect make it into a 2 bedroom apartment and do they come with ps2 or do you hire that seperatley
N.B. Please do not be alarmed by what you are about to read - My husband says I will always get the odd infections or reactions to drugs and that is what happened.

On the Tuesday 16th May, it was a beautiful day and the whole of my family ended up in the main pool at the Palace. I did get water in my right ear and through Wednesday, it got more and more painful until Thursday morning I went to see the Doctor. She does not speak much English but she was lovely and confirmed I had an ear infection, which required antibiotics for 5 days. At that time, the infection was so severe that I could not fly unless it got better. The infection got better and I saw the Doctor again on Saturday and Monday before I was allowed to fly home. The total cost was only £30, which was fine and good value for money.
Before I started with the antibiotics the few mossie bites I had were small and not a problem. Within 36 hours of taking the antibiotics, any mosquito bites I did get were developing a large ring around them up to 6cm in diameter and they were very angry and itchy. By the time I left, despite all the precautions I took I had around 20 large mosquito bites on my legs and arms and the ear infection was not totally gone either. Amazingly even with the infection, the flight home was OK and went really well. I saw my own GP on Tuesday after we got back and we prescribed steroid cream for the mosquito bites (which has solved the problem very quickly) and gave me eardrops. He also said that the dose of antibiotics I was given was too high (875mg twice a day for 5 days) and that may have triggered a toxic reaction which is why the mosquito bites went large and sore. It means I cannot have any more penicillin-based antibiotics for 3 months because they think I was overdosed and they will have to watch my liver function. Thank god, I did not have any alcohol after the Doctor put me on antibiotics or I may have done even more damage to my liver. So nearly two weeks after this all started, I am now on new antibiotics (for another five days) and I finally feel well enough to sit and write to you.
I loved the holiday and I have really learned my lesson about mosquitoes, foreign swimming pools etc. etc. Like Scottish Mum warned before she left on holiday, use swimming or wax earplugs to keep water out of your ears for no other reason than it has cost me at least £30 in prescription charges and painkillers over the last two weeks. However, I would still go back to PP and my husband wants to book for October this year! The other thing to bear in mind is that my 4-year-old boy was in the pools every day and my husband swam more than I did and neither of them was affected. Murphy's Law that it happened to me!

Well we're only back a couple of hours but I just wanted to come on and let you know what a wonderful time we had at the Pegasus Palace, or rather the Iberostar Palace as its now known.
I'm suffering a little bit as Cameron and I picked up a little tummy bug over the last few days and I spent the whole of last night vomiting, as did Cameron the night before. No epidemic or anything, but where there are hundreds of children you're bound to get the odd bug or two, and all credit to the housekeeping staff who came and changed our beds at 2am!!!!
Well, back to the nice stuff, just to reiterate what everyone else has said, we had such a fantastic time. The food and drinks were all fabulous, what a choice of food we had! We kept good company with Sam and Pat (tottya) and Michael and Allison (footballswampie) and Olivia and Alex(Caithness) and it always makes your holiday nicer when you meet some new friends.
I loved the speciality nights, the Mexican, Turkish and Seafood nights were brilliant!!! We never actually got round to using the themed restaurants as we just didn't feel the need with such a fabulous choice in the restaurants. Also I think Eddie has turned into a giant piece of pizza with all the fresh pizza he ate from the Snack bar during the day!
The staff as a whole were absolutely brilliant, very accommodating and really couldn't do enough for you, you only had to ask. Especially the kids club staff who were brilliant too. I was a bit shocked when it seemed some of the reps knew who "scottishmum" was, it seems they do read this site after all, pmsl.
We did a couple of trips whilst we were there, the first one was the Family Cruise with first choice which went round the Islands leaving from Gocek, it was really good and highly recommended, but I would say to book it through Mustafa at Sarigerme Tours, who we booked the Mud Baths trip through. A HUGE big thank you to Mustafa who really looked after us, we couldn't have asked for a more friendly and knowledgeable guide. So to anyone who may be worried about booking trips outwith the hotel, please don't be as I really can't recommend Mustafa highly enough. He is licensed, very professional and will certainly look after you.
Any down sides? Very very few and of course the mossies! Despite having taken my vit b1, garlic pills, avon sss and insect repellent after the first 8 days of being bite free, I just got eaten alive. It certainly didn't ruin my holiday. The only other down side I can think of was that during our second week it started to get VERY busy and I didn't like it as much. It became really difficult to get a sun lounger and people putting out ten towels at a time on loungers really didn't help!!!! I noticed over the past week though that signs appeared saying the hotel will be removing towels placed on loungers before 9am, whether or not that happens remains to be seen.
Would I go back? YES definitely. But not in peak season as it would be my idea of hell and we're considering a week in late September or early October so that says it all really!
A big Hi to everyone we met out there, hope you have all got home safely and a special mention to Sam and Michael, "speak" soon.
Catherine xxx
P.S. Olivia just read what ended up happening and OMG, glad to hear you are ok though. Maybe you should drop a wee note to first choice and let them know what happened?
Edited by
2006-05-29 19:22:22
soz dont know anything about the spa or hairdressers, but im sure they will be very good being a big hotel.
nonnielane x
We don't actually know what day we get married on, (adds to the excitement!!). we think it may be around the 13/14th june as that is what we have requested, (got both sets of parents coming at seperate times so would be pretty stuffed if it wasn't one of these days!!).
i seriously addicted to reading about all your experiences there and with the poor weather here at the minute, this holiday can't come quick enough.
the mossie issue is bothering me and i want to know if its in the room while your sleeping or when your out and about (day or evening)that you get bitten to death.
that way i can arrange my plan of action, (inside plug in mossie epellnet or really good spray on stuff for us all)
anyone else gouing end July?
Re the hairdressers in the hotel, ask tottya what she thought (she's back tonight!). I know they charged her a fortune to cut her two little boys hair and she wasn't happy with it at all! But this could have been the barber who cut their hair as opposed to the hairdresser.
Thanks for letting me know Scottishmum! I'm just looking to have it styled on the morning of the wedding and you know what it's like - you're always concerned when someone you've never tried does your hair! That and my makeup are just making me a bit nervous! The reason I say that is because if I don't go with the beauty salon/hairdresser, I'll have to ask either my mum or his mum - you can imagine the trouble that will cause!!!!

There is a spa in the hotel and I'd think that maybe a few of the girls in there might be qualified beauticians. Maybe it might be worth emailing the hotel and asking them? The email address is info@iberostarsarigerme.com
BTW for everyone else, the hotel has a new website. Its http://www.iberostarsarigerme.com its all in Turkish mind you, but I'm sure you'll get the jist of the place.
Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 7:41 pm Post subject: Mosquitos
the mossie issue is bothering me and i want to know if its in the room while your sleeping or when your out and about (day or evening)that you get bitten to death.
that way i can arrange my plan of action, (inside plug in mossie epellnet or really good spray on stuff for us all)
If I was going again then I would do both the plug in repellant in the room and the spray on stuff as well. I know I had a problem with mosquitoes but I only really noticed them at night in the amphitheather. The main problem I actually had was with wasps which seemed to be everywhere - all round the soft drinks dispensers and any drinks left unattended. There are wooden trolleys all round the complex to put used cups, glasses plates etc. and they attract wasps like mad. If you have an allergy to wasp stings come prepared.

Then something strange happened yesterday, there wasn't one single wasp in sight all day. I think footballswampie knows something about why this is so he'll be able to enlighten you all. Apparently they've put something up to deter them. Seems to be working anyway, was a bit bizarre when we noticed there wasn't zillions of wasps around!

The hotel were also spraying today, I got a leaflet on the bed from the maid to say they would be spraying between 10 and 4 which I assume was for the mozzies
I'll be e-mailing them tomorrow then! Thanks for that - much appreciated.
When we arrived I was GUTTED to discover that I'd been allocated a room overlooking the building site. Having booked this more than a year ago I marched right down to the rep and demanded a room change, was told I could have one the next morning once they knew the room allocations.
Once I got back to the room and had a good think about it, I decided not to bother, it was soooooooooooo peaceful as there was no-one really working on the site, just the odd guy moving wood around. Turned out it was quite a good decision as I know a few people had problems with noisy rooms etc. We were only ever in the room for getting changed and sleeping anyway.
So if you get a room overlooking the building site, don't panic about it. Give yourself a day to think about it first like we did.
C xxx
Hi Scottish Mum. Funny you saying about room positioning as when I was showing my other half the photo gallery he got all panicky and started on about making sure we didn't get a room overlooking the building site. I said to him that it was better to wait until we got out there because just because you have a nice view doesn't mean you have a nice room. I am getting so excited now and we still have to wait until August, although I must admit I am panicking about how hot it is going to be but we had no choice on dates cos of school holidays. Anyone been in august and do they have any suggestions/tips etc also still wondering if anyone has a contact detail for the dive place or if there are any other dive places near to the hotel?
Glad to see you had such a good time scottishmum.
Did you use the kids club for 5yr olds?(i am thinking your son is 3 so maybe you did or maybe im imagining that) What sort of thing did they do? My son will be nearly 6 and im not sure if the activities will be too young for him?
Also you know the night time kids club i read you pay £2 for the chocolate party etc....do you pay this for every night time club? How do you pay it sterling? Lira?
Thanks Vicky

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