We returned from our 3rd visit to Bitez on Monday and heres our short report...
We flew with Onur and were lucky enough to get the extra leg room seats on the way out, unfortunately we had a 3+ hour delay coming home and for some reason they wanted £10 per person for the leg room seats.
The day we arrived Roman Abravich (spelling??) yacht was moored in our habour... its given us bragging rights to the 'Turkey Doubters' being able to sit in our garden and see a billionaires yacht. The locals also told us hes bought 5 houses behind us for his family and friends.
The weather was HOT, HOT, HOT. Although we go every July, it just seemed hotter this year. It would have been unbearable without the constant breeze. We spent most of our time on the beach at the Sultan and CJ's sitting on our sunbeds with our pinkies dipped in the sea to keep us cool.
Price wise... well its getting ridiculous. They had put the prices up again, from May when we were last there. Some places were charging 6 Lira for 1 Efes!!! The lamb shish had gone up from 18 Lira... to 23/25 Lira!!! Infact everything on the menu had gone up in ALL the restaurants.
We are so happy to say that CJ's is doing FANTASTIC. They are taking the Golden Spoon to the cleaners. Although we love the food at the Golden Spoon, it was mainly Turkish which were eating there... and we found out this is because Turkish people get 50% off their bill!! Its taking CJ's awhile for the Irish to find them, because the Manuela staff wont say where Charlie and Jonsil are. We had some nice meals there and there is a fun, relaxed atmosphere. We tried The Amphora (Daniel from New Seasons Father owns it) its round the backstreet near the mosque, reasonably priced. The Sultan, as usual, was our favourite. The pharmacy is now The Lemon Tree, run by Mustafa from The Lavas we had a lovely meal there... interrupted by a young boy dressed like a King ontop of a white horse... with men banging on drums walking along with the family... (I knew what it was - only because I saw it on the Ambrosia website) but thought id ask the waiters to watch their expressions... running around whispering and laughing too embarrassed to explain... It was a circumcision party - held at the Vona with the best firework display ive ever seen from a boat in the middle of the bay. They must have spent thousands on them. Then the sky filled with floating lit lanterns. It was beautiful.
On a sad note, an elderly lady died when we were there. She'd gone swimming at night and drowned.
All in all, the season was quieter than normal for this time of year. And they all seemed to be feeling the pinch. Last week the Council came round and gave every restaurant a letter which warned them against hassling. So they werent allowed to stand near the menu, or talk to people as they passed.
We had a fantastic holiday and cant wait to get back. Roll on October!
I think your next to go, arent you Prawn? Where are you staying?