Family are going to Club Letoonia next Summer (2005) Am concerned as we have a late flight coming back to UK and holiday company cannot confirm if late room bookings will be accepted.
Any feedback would be appreciated
I assume you are referring to keeping your room until your evening departure? We were at letoonia 2 weeks ago. We enquired at the hotel reception about keeping the room until evening and were told we could for a charge of 50 euro. We actually didn't bother as you can use the showers and changing facilities by the hotel turkish bath. Luggage was left under supervision in reception area during the day. Hope this helps, by the way, the place is fantastic, you will have a great holiday!
i was at the club letoonia in may and am goin back in september you can keep your room on but it does cost a little my flight wasnt intil early hours in the morning and it cost me 25pound to keep it on..but if you dont want to do that your rep will get a curticy room for you if you ask..
Does anyone know of the tour operators that deal with this hotel. I know first choice and thomson do. Sky Travel also do good deals for it. However we have some airtours vouchers we'd like to spend and would really love to go to this place for a couple of weeks next summer.
I'm thinking of returning to Turkey after a visit 9 years ago. Last time I went (to Olu Deniz) the standard of food hygiene was not so good and my partner and I were very ill. We are thinking of booking a week at Club Letoonia in Sept but we are concerned about this. Can any recent visitors offer their views?
hi there is nothing bad to say about the club letoonia i went there in may and am going back there at the end of september read the hotel reviews on it not 1 person has given it a bad review...there is loads to do all day and the food is great loads to choose from and the staff are great...
The reviews all look great but thanks for backing them up. Looking forward to going in Sept!
We are going there 30/09/04 I havnt read anything bad about it anywhere. Cant wait
EEEEEK!!! wont be long now Craig
never been before but I have looked for loads of holidays this year, and this was the only place where I could not find 1 bad review!!!!
Don't forget to leave a message in the sand for me Bev!!!!!

Excitement reaching fever pitch now, my hubby is convinced I'm getting worse as I get older!!! lol

EEEEK!!! off tonight just getting packed now and am as excited as a big kid, dont forget to look for the message in the sand Craig!!!
Have a cracking time Bev....hope it is as good as we both expect it to be!! I am getting sooo excited now and I still have a week to go!!!!!
All packed and just waiting for a lull in traffic then were off!!!
The only thıng ıs the clımb up to the room whıch ıs dramatıc to say the least (sherpa tensıng cut hıs hıs clımbıng teeth here!!!).
Weather ıs ın mıd 80s food fantastıc!!!
Wıll swap storıes I'm sure. Your ın for a rıght old treat,

Glad to hear you're having a great time Bev and that the weather is still hot.

I hope we get a bit of sun.
Does anyone know what there is to do in the area if it is raining?

I am so pleased you are having a fantastic time, and you are getting sun sun sun!!! Can't wait to hear all about it!!!
I am off tommorrow and not at work today and I am so excited just dont know what to do!!! So will see you there MissyElliot!!!!

We left yesterday evening and it was still quite unsettled, still some some about though, hope it holds up for Craig and missy Elliott.
Had a fantastic holiday, couldnt fault club letoonia for anything.

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