
Discussions relating to Cruising holidays
I'm just wondering what the fall out to Rise will be over this whole deal. I'm sure many people will not buy products that associate themselves with Rise now (for example I'm never going to buy Julio Gallo wine again) - which means that they will ultimately lose out big time over there lack of customer care.
Seems a strange way to run a business.
Luci 5

Can I ask if the 'Who is going where' topic is to be updated following the information requested on confirmation of cruises, etc?

It looks from the topic that nobody is confirmed on the March cruise and it would be interesting to see what is happening to the remainder. It would certain encourage our hopes if we could see those who may be down to go our individual cruises.

Hi Lobbylud

The 'Who is going where' topic has been constantly updated with details of confirmed cruises and is up to date with all the information I have available.

There are four others going on the same cruise as yourself on 13 June.


luci :wave
There are an awful lot of people with unconfirmed cruises on the 'who's going where' list. Is it posible to contact any of them to find out what is happenning as they haven't posted for a while? Surely if you thought you were going in March/April you would be panicking about tickets etc. by now,and checking this site.
hi all
congrats to maureen h on getting her cruise sorted. am i missing something cos confirmed cruises seem to be few and far between these days. have the phone calls from the agents stopped cos again there dosent seem much news. i know ive got mine sorted but i m also anxious that everyone else is treated the same. i think i shall have to bombard watchdog again. i do wish that things would improve. by the way magsy how many have got their cruises sorted now.
since this all started i seem to have lost my sense of humour :( so thank goodness for the lads who can at least make me smile :)
since this all started i seem to have lost my sense of humour so thank goodness for the lads who can at least make me smile

Do you know something we don't Ann?
Hi Phill, as much as i am thrilled for Maureen if i heard Cliff Richard's Congratulations I'd "Throw Myself Overboard" :bhead By the way, if you are in posession of a copy then you have a "CRIMINAL RECORD"!! :rofl :rofl :rofl
I agree. I'll only be happy when everyone who collected the tokens are offered a £10 cruise. Whether they choose to take it or not - that's their choice. I can understand wanting a "better" ship etc. But everyone should be offered the £10 cruise. Nothing more, nothing less. Its only fair.

I have posted on the confirmed thread but previously posted on the unconfirmed. Should I delete that? If so, where do I find it, please?

Maureen H
Hi Maureen

Here is a link to your previous post. Perhaps you could add an edit note to it stating that you have since had a cruise confirmed on 03.03.05.

luci :wave
Thank you, Luci. I have done that.

Maureen H
Thanks Maureen.

luci :wave
I agree with you Lesley regarding the discrepancy in pricing. I too have no problem with people upgrading if they want to, but I was not given an option, just told that my cruise would carry a supplement of £50. I accepted to ensure that I got a cruise booked, , but have since contacted the Daily Express and am waiting for a reply.

Phil Morris, did you perhaps make a typographical error? I think you may have meant to say 'the sun shines on the riotous' if you were refering to yourself. :lol:
'the sun shines on the riotous'

:rofl :rofl :rofl
Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening Fellow Cruisers,:( :( :( A big depression has fallen on the balcony

Not so happy today, Number 1, 2, & 3 daughters desended on me last night - :argue :argue :bhead

It seems that number 1 (interfering old... well she is getting to that age). :rage found not only 2 empty bottles - but reciepts from Tescos and The Wine Vaults, so much for re-cycling paper from now on I'm going to add to the global warming. At least I won't get picked on :bawl (Bullying of parents should be a capital offence). Just wait until Christmas comes around. :twisted: :twisted:

(Oh I feel fed-up worse than when R... T..... rang and canceled my cruise :( :( :( )

Is no-one going anywere :?: On the old site - at least we used to get news of happenings - it was intresting to read of the differant excuses and prices being charged and then to read of re-funds being offered, as well as the odd cruise being won etc.. at least we (I) felt that we were slowly winning. Apart from Maureen who else has been offered anything -No, offers of vouchers are not included.

On a brighter note, Thomas I did have two copies of the recording by cliff and have just sold the last copy on ebay for £16. :pele :pele :rofl :rofl :rofl
hi phil and all
have you managed to get a cruise yet. I really dont see you as the type to give up easily. i for one didnt give up till i had a confirmation and looking back i think i felt more embarassed at how many times i emailed and rang :oops: than the agents
in fact i was told that i couldnt have a couple of cruises i suggested due to lack of flights on the dates and unavailability of cabins (at one point i was even going to share but that came to nothing as i couldnt get a flight)
Although checking the confirmations now i find that other people have managed the same dates and cruises together with flights which werent available to me which makes you wonder dosent it? :?
come on all the cruiseless keep on trying
In my last post I said that I was just awaiting the final NCL cruise tickets which were due by end or March for my Caribbean Cruise 9th April.

Very happy to report that these were received today - several weeks in advance.

Well done R*** :sun :sun
If it was not for HT & its Members I doubt if I would have got my cruise sorted, so big thanks to all.

Now that I have I have been exploring a bit more of the HT site and there is some very useful information in the 'safe & sound' download (see above) which is well worth viewing.

One thing that puzzles me though is that I can't seem to find any published history or information as to who is behind HT, its Aims & Objectives etc. Also how it is financed as it must cost to provide such a good service. We know who the Mods and Administrators are but how does all this work - is it all voluntary, a hobby or a commercial enterprise?

Just wondered - I am sure someone will know.

How many daughters do you have Phil?

Being suspicious, I checked my flights on the BA time table and, sure enough, there they were! I always do this wherever I go.

Hope the tanker turned up this weekend, Juro.

Maureen H
Holiday Truths Forum

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