
Discussions relating to Cruising holidays
Have posted a few pics of my Thomson "Spirit" Cruise 18-25 Feb 05.
They are in the photo gallery.
Hi William71, I have to say I can see why JennieL and her mum could be confused as to your age, you do not look elderly. Tell us the secret to the eternal youth that you have obviously found, so that we can have some too.

Just been back to make sure they were my photo's you were looking at.
Sorry cant tell you what the secret is yet.
Hope to post some better pics next week when i get my photo's back, as i took them back to the shop,last Fri.They had made a mess of a lot of them.

Sorry did not post,any of JennieL and her mum,without there permission
OK William71, Where are they hidden?
magsy. iv just looked too .. they are in the upload bit still, very good too, brings back memories we were on spirit last year
Please Laine,
Can you give me a link, have just viewed dozens of piccies!
ooooooo not good with links just a bit of plain typing has me foxed :( if you go to top of this page, click on photo gallery, then scoll down i think its the second 1 down... uploads, they are the first pictures in there :lol:

Thanks! I think we've all been looking at all sorts of photos of Canary isles etc! Ref Magsy's post - I'd already sent a pm with your info on how to view them - must have crossed with her post! Perhaps you'd like to repeat your info on Dizzy's new thread titled 'Williams pics' to save everyone searching all over the place?

Edited this to say I've now put this info on other thread when I just posted there
  • Edited by allisu 2005-03-05 23:07:46
sorry luci :offtop just tryin to help magsy :wink:
Thanks Laine and Allisu, I eventually got there! Great pictures William. Why did they feel it necessary to clear the whole restaurant for your Singles Lunch! :roll:
We got seated before the rush.
What ever we wanted to drink on that lunch.Was at Thomson's expense.It lasted 2 hours.
Hope i can post more good photo's next week,when i get them back. Also some nice one's of that lovely JennieL.
Good Evening Cruisers from the Balcony.
:( :( :(
Still a bit chilly. (at least the frost is thawing now the coven of witches have left me in peace, they could get a part in Mcbeth :D - no problem) :shock: :shock: Although I do feel they have left a spell to look over me, thank God I don't have a cat - or it would have been taking a flying lesson. :fly

:rage The way they carry on you'd think I was spending their inheritance. :twisted:
In total they found reciepts for 6 bottles of Bells and 4 of wine. Number 1 must have spent hours going through all those bags of paper - uh and she claims not to have 5 mins to her self in any day :?: On second thoughts maybe not she's to busy going through other peoples private papers. :twisted: (it will be all sweet and roses from Novermber onwards - So they think - a pair of tights for each of 'em) :rofl :rofl
I wish we'd had at least 1 lad - I feel I'd have one on my side.

:bow It was nice to read that some are now confirmed Cruisers - well done perserverance is what we need. :bow

It may be my turn on Wednesday :D :D :D (if a certain party are monitoring this site still) :D :D :D :kiss

Now i've got that off my chest - Hi Maureen H, in answer to your question, its 3 of the sweet :twisted: little darlings I'm :?: blessed with :? :? arn't I the unlucky one, since my Dear wife died they think that I need looking after, everything I do brings a responce :tut "look how old you are, act your age" :roll: or "you are embarisment" :roll: I'm only 57 to hear them talk you'd think I was 90.

:D :D Just seen the pictures of William - you look just great mate - :bow well done and thanks for being so positive in your review of the cruise, I will show your pictures to the coven :twisted: - it might put their minds at rest. :?: to see that sane people do go on cruises these days.

Glad to read a few positives - keep them coming I need my sprites lifting.
No ringing tonight I promised - only for the night though tomorrows another day and night :rofl :rofl
Byeeee for the night

Phil Morris
Hi Wallecan

is it all voluntary, a hobby or a commercial enterprise?

It is all totally voluntary and not a commercial enterprise. All the mod and admins give their time purely for the love of the site and nothing more, so it's especially nice when members post their appreciation.

Vanlaywan is the site owner/administrator and the rest of us try to support him as best we can.

I hope this answers your question.

luci :wave
Transferred from a separate topic

One Star Member

Joined: 21 Jan 2005
Posts: 24

48 HTPoints

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 3:35 pm Post subject: cruises


i keep hoping to see the long list of unconfirmed changing to confirmed but it still appears there are more on the site waiting to going , my local radio station 3 counties had some one phone in the other day.i think they got sorted.i still havent managed to sort out how far treviscus airport is from ventce and accessability i get the air port up but no map or transport i think itsme..i dont go to the right places.i am glad we get some inter chat on this site,i check whats happeningoff and on all day.i need my are all great. : carol.
hi lucy and all the mods,
i thought you were all very good putting up with us, having our moans and fun, and helping with advise, but now i know you do it for free !!!! B- - - -y H- -l ,
you are all saints.
so who is paying for the lawyers?
It is all totally voluntary and not a commercial enterprise.

More like a vocation I should think Luci!

Good question about the legal costs though.........perhaps we should have a whip-round? .....put me down for a tenner to get the ball rolling.

(Quite serious actually.......voluntary contributions would be a way of covering the expenses...couldn`t be that hard to set up a secure pay link for you whizz kids.) :lol:
hi tony,
i agree,
i know we all sound miserable old g... complaining at paying more than £10 for our cruises, but we are not really.
and what would we all do without this daily fix....
Hi Luci, Mods, Admin and Van
You can count me in on the whipround too!
I am sure that, without exception, all HT members appreciate what you all do for us and providing us with a forum to air our views. How many of us would have confirmed cruises without the forum? Thank you all.
i cant seem to get into the photos of williiam. all i can see are tiny squares and im at a complete loss as to what to do to view them.
please can someone help?
I also agree to join in should a whipround be needed for the legals.this site is a credit to the owner and the administrators.well done for such a fantastic job.
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