Welcome to HT. Stick with it, it'll be worth the hassle.
Times that the owner of the Daily Express, is now officially a billionaire. You would have thought that this man would have used some of this money to pay for the outstanding cruises, and make everyone happy.
** Edited to remove potentially libellous comments. luci HT Mod **
It was announced in today's ** Edited to remove potentially libellous comments. luci HT Mod **
And I expect you believe in the Tooth Fairy as wellYou would have thought that this man would have used some of this money to pay for the outstanding cruises,

I'm curious if anyone had been successful in going on more than one cruise. The original offer stated i application per person per envelope, so I sent off more than one as I was getting them for my Mum and Dad as a surprise (they are keen independent travellers). I got confirmation of each cruise, but the DE latterly said I could only have one. I thought I had seen others state they had had more than one and so am looking ofr a precedent. All info welcomed.
Thanks by they way for all the support, cuttings and a DVD of the original adverts. Will all be useful when it comes to court.
All the best
I'm almost sure Lavenderlill had two confirmed cruises, but I'm not sure if she went on both. Have a look at the Who's Going Where topic.
Others have definitely had more than 1 cruise and the TC's are pretty clear that you could make multiple applications, the rule being one application per envelope - well at least thats how I read it! Luci is absolutely correct about Lavender Lilly having had 2 cruises and I also know of another family who had 3 applications and got them all (appls in 3 different names) Looks like you may be busier with the courts than you thought so very good luck!
Has anyone seen or got news of Balcony Phil?
I collected two sets and had two of the original offer letters in my name (Caribbean & Med) in Autumn 2004. After contacting a DE Director I did get a cruise last April but have held back on the remaining one as others were still trying to get theirs. Now feel it time to take this up again. I agree with Magsy and seem to recall that DE did confirm to Lavender Lilly this was within T&C's and I am pretty certain she went on both of them. If she is still reading HT perhaps she could confirm please.
Magsy - Balcony Phil pm'd me a while back about possible action re the DE cruise - but no word since! Maybe one ding dong too many!!
I think raych has had one cruise and is waiting for another.

On my cruise to the Med in June there was a married couple who had collected two sets of coupons but applied individually for single occupancy in the belief they wouldn't be allowed to be together.
They did however persuade a certain company to allocate them the same date. (this had always been their plan)
For a couple who'd just met they were on quite intimate terms and caused quite a bit of confusion to those who were not party to their ruse.

The waiters tried to split them up and seat them (as strangers) on different tables. Eventually they had to own up to the rest of us DE cruisers as we asked them too many questions.
They kept up this charade for the whole cruise, retiring to their separate twin cabins each night
It was all very amusing.

However one or two people felt they shouldn't have done this as if they'd gone together on the sharing option it would have released another cabin for another DE applicant.........maybe - who knows?
Last I heard of Phil he had forgotten his password. I gave instructions for him to click on the Forgotten Password link, but haven't heard anything since.
We applied for three cruises. One for my wife, and another for my son and mine. Same address and surname but different christian names got all three!
Even managed for my wife and I to go together

I also know of another member who got the '£10 cruise' offer and also did the 2-4-1 offer.
glad to see some action being taken ,like everyone else i am waiting to hear results of court action.good luck keep at it .

I did indeed apply for 2 cruises. I have had I already to the med July 05., allocated after lots of phone calls emails and the link from HT to Express. I am however still waiting for the second, and have had confirmed from DE in several phone calls that I could have my 2 cruises, and I also have a letter from a director of the previous handlers of the promotion stating that I could have my second cruise this year. I had almost booked the 2nd cruise on MSC Melody 19th Sept 05, shy of giving my card details when I mentioned I had already been on 1 cruise, the director interviened and told me I would have to wait until a few more had had their first cruise. He said I would be the first of the next allocation, I am however still waiting and have only had the stock letter asking me to be patient.
It seems quite clear to me that even if the T & Cs were vague (I personally don't think so!) the precedent has been set so go for it!
After carefully reading the T & C's, I sent off two sets of coupons, one set having been kindly collected for me by friends who did not fancy a cruise. I was duly allocated a med cruise and a caribbean cruise. I had one cruise on MSC Melody in October 2005 but to date, despite letters etc to various people including the M.D of the Daily Express, I have heard absolutely nothing about my second cruise. I even suggested I would be prepared to accept a Med cruise instead of the allocated Caribbean. Am interested to hear others also applied for two so will watch with interest!
I get rather annoyed when I read about people complaining that they have not had a second cruise - I am still waiting for anything !!! Despite writing etc etc I am still no further forward. Please, be grateful that you have had one while lots of us are still waiting!!!!
I am sure those of us who have had a cruise are grateful and have every sympathy for those who have had nothing. The point however is that some people collected for two cruises and sent off the vouchers correctly, so the DE has a legal obligation to provide what was offered. The paper is at fault for underestimating the demand. Those who had the opportunity to send off for more than one cruise did so quite legitimately and have a perfect right to fight for what was promised.
Just to let you all know I have now instigated the court action online for £80. I am a part time nurse and can ill afford it, but I was so looking forward to the break, and I have kept Judith Chalmers smiling face to remind me of their promise...The Express have until the 20th to respond. Fingers crossed. My original cruise should have been to the Carribbean in Sept 05. Interestingly of the 3 cruise lines it was potentially going to be, none had the route I was given or sailed to any of the places on that date!!! Did it ever exist??

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