Dear All,
I have sent David the contact details of the proprietor of the DE, and will happily do likewise for anyone else who wants to send me a private message.
I am of course challenging the extra fuel charge, as this was not part of the original £10 offer, and would not have been applicable if the offer had been fulfilled within the timeframe of the terms and conditions. The whole cruise for £10 was of course a crazy marketing offer in the first place, which is why so many people applied in the first place. That being said, they made the offer, and therefore have a duty to make good their side of the contract.
I have just received a court date for of June 5th. It will be interesting to to see what happens from here. It certainly would be fun if I had to send the bailiffs round to the DE as the Zdnet contributor appears to have done, it would make an interesting photo story for other papers or blogs.
I have also been getting a number of calls from the Cruise Shop trying to entice me to take a cruise to various destinations, (including trying to charge me the extra fuel charge). I have declined, as it is not an 'equivalent' offer, and also because the mater is now subject to court proceedings.
I will keep you posted
All the best