I don't understand though how you can say for sure that MSC havn't confirmed, if you havnt been able to check.
I didn`t say that they hadn`t confirmed, but that I am unable to confirm it with them...........the online confirmation tells me to check with my travel agent....Rise Travel.
If I have nagging doubts for all the reasons previously stated and well documented as to the validity of the booking, why should I be reassured by contacting the very people I want to be reassured about?!?
Not that we are allowed to phone them anyway.
Next point:
i have this on the desk before me it is headed flight confirmation. details flight numbers, status confirmed,cruise status confirmed,electronic ticket numbers ...it most certainly looks like a confirmed booking.
I want to accept that rise did think they had booked this for me but as a number of people have pointed out a confirmed booking means money has "changed hands " money has gone from my account but at some stage louis must have refused the transaction.
Jackie......thanks for sticking with me through this!
It certainly seems you really did have a real, 100% bona-fidae CONFIRMED booking!
But if Louis cruises can still refuse the booking, even after you had all the specific details and, as you have said, money had gone from your account - what does "confirmed" by the travel agent really count for??
If I had booked, paid for and received confirmation from a high street travel agent and then was treated as you were at the last moment, I would want a very good explanation as to why my holiday was not booked with the tour operato/cruise line or whatever.
I would suggest, in view of Louis Cruise`s overt public statement that they had no arrangement or bookings with MKM/Rise Travel, that your cruise was never really going to happen with them........however genuinely Rise Travel may have believed it.
It is this sort of misleading information...or perhaps more accurately lack of definite information which causes the air of uncertainty.
We may just have to agree to disagree on this one.