Your flights (EZY7154/5) will be operated by an Airbus A321-200.
More information on our what aircraft? thread (link in my signature)
I remember looking at the metal grille at the airport and it looks as if the case should fit in length wise ( rectangular) which means my bag may not fit the depth, can anyone give me some advice , should i just chance it or go and buy yet another bag? (NOone seemed to be checking them)

I flew with Easyjet Manchester to Alicante in November and they were checking peoples bags if they looked slightly too large, I was panicking as I knew mine was over length wise as I had checked it at another gate, however I was lucky but others weren't and they were being charged the full price for checked in luggage and they had to have the case placed in the hold.
But it must discourage people from trying to fly without hold luggage. Its practically impossible to get a holdall within these exact dimensions, that will fit a good bit of stuff in, without having to pay a fortune for a case from a specialist company. The dimensions of the bag i have are actually length 49cm, height 30 cm and depth 28 cm. This is clearly not a large bag, i just prefer to take it as it has wheels. But because the depth is over 25 cm if I am asked to put it in the grille it probably wont fit. Any advice would be welcome. s
On some airline the size is only 20cm so worth buying a small case you can get them for around £15.00
Suo, You may get away with it but don't whinge if you don't, what is the point of airlines having rules if you don't abide by them. They are in business to make money not friends and their revenue comes in part from luggage charges. Good Luck
A couple of weeks ago, for the first time in dozens of EasyJet flights to Faro from Gatwick, our plane was full (or nearly). The overhead lockers filled up and presumably because of all the unchecked in suitcases they ran out of room. Despite the crew's best efforts to cram everything in, some people had to take out what they needed for the flight and let their cases be put into the hold. Probably not too much of a problem, you might think, but this caused at least 3/4 hour delay in taking off while all the faffing was going on. I don't know how often this happens, but this can't be right and surely the non-checked in luggage policy can't continue if airlines are going to fill their planes by cancelling and amalgamating flights. Or is it the other way round, because of the lower revenue from checked in luggage, perhaps that's the reason flights are being amalgamated.
I think the problem with EJ is that there is no weight limit to the cabin bag - only a size which does encourage people to only take hand baggage. We just had a small bag each which went under the seat in front.
This really is something EJ need to address.
Personally for that reason I prefer not to travel with them - and the free for all seating policy which I hate.
i am flying with them for the first time in september with my family and i am having nightmares already
Don't worry, little legs, we've flown with them dozens of times and this is the first time we've had any complaints!
Its a joke! Because of the one side being a few cms over. I would now actually be taking up more room in the overhead locker, than if i had taken my holdall. The volume would have been much less.
Consequently the extra stuff I wanted to take is now swimmimg around in the case. so after all that I am thinking of resorting back to my usual ( much smaller ) bag which fits under the seat in front. Just wont be able to take what I was planning to. Havent got the bottle to take the chance at the airport, bet I will see people wading past me with sofa sized holdalls,

Hi Pippa, How was your trip to Malta? was the flights on time and did you pay for priority seating or just board with the rest of them.Are you putting a review up about your trip i'd be interested in reading it.Our first trip to Malta will be in April and need to know about airport transfers and places to visit but the Malta forum on this site doesn't seemed to be well used.Many thanks Maggie
Please feel free to discuss the flight, priority boarding, etc., here in this topic. But so that we can keep discussion about Easyjet, perhaps you could arrange to meet up in the Malta forum to discuss other aspects of the holiday.
Easyjet are most certainly not my favourite airline and that has not changed. Both flights were far from full meaning like most people we had 3 seats for the 2 of us. Flight out was also on time from Gatwick landing early in Malta - flight back was about 1/2 hour late. My main problem is the free for all boarding although this was strictly enforced at Gatwick (unlike Stansted). It really does bring out the worst in people! The other problem is that although there is a size limit on hand luggage there is no weight limit - this means a lot of people take everything for a week's holiday in their cabin bag. If the flights had been full I do not know where all the hand luggage would have gone as the overhead lockers were full to overflowing particularly on the journey to Malta. We checked in hold luggage and just had a small bag as hand luggage. This is something that needs to be addressed by Easyjet as I can imagine a full flight in the peak season could be a nightmare.
David,I didn't mean for Pippa to write her review on this flight section but i thought by mentioning it on here she might then use the correct forum for it, sorry for any misunderstanding.

can I choose my dated or do they just put me on another flight, I work in a school and my dates are not flexible
I can't believe they are pulling a bank holiday weekend flight . hope someone can help me.
You'll effectly have a credit note to be used within 30 days if that's what you choose. You can choose any date up until it expires. If might be worth looking at alternative flights with other airlines for when you want to travel, then decide if you want a refund of the free transfer. Given it's a bank holiday, prices might be getting on the steep side now.
I have just received an email to say it was an error, panic over x
Help ... Easyjet have cancelled my flight , I can either get a refund or free transfer, within 30 days of my dates.
can I choose my dated or do they just put me on another flight, I work in a school and my dates are not flexible
I can't believe they are pulling a bank holiday weekend flight . hope someone can help me.
I had the same experience a couple of years a go, my flight from Liverpool to Basel was cancelled, they offered me another date but this wasn't suitable due to business commitments so they offered me a flight from Luton the same day and promised to pay my train fare to Luton, the return flight was back to Liverpool, I elected to do this. purchased a 2nd class single train ticket to Luton (Cost more than my airfair)., Once the trip was over I sent them a copy of the flight booking, plus rail ticket and my credit card was refunded in less than a week, excellent service.
Received e-mail last night that my return flights to Palma on 23/5/10 - 27/5/10 had been cancelled and I could either have a full refund or free transfer to another flight on same route.
Clicked on the full refund button, then checked other airlines and found Ryanair had flights same days at about same time. As there was only 4 seats left booked them.
Received another email now off Easyjet saying they had made an error and that flights hadn't been cancelled only times changed and could either accept alternative flights times or have a credit file
Cant find any number on there website - anybody got any advice

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