Asked work colleague today and it was Belfast City airport. She said they were confiscating liquids off everyone. Am thinking it'll be an idea to phone International to ask:
What type of bags they'll allow, hopefully my clear one from Accessorize with zip fastener will be ok, if not I do have small freezer type.
Provided everything fits in ok and bag can be closed, if there is a maximum number of items allowed.
No mention of electronic items on International's werbsite other than the large items having to be removed and screened seperately, might be taking laptop with me as hotel room has wireless internet or there's a web cafe in the hotel reception area. Other alternative is to spend the £30 on the web browser for the Nintendo DS.
To answer Bonnielass's question aboput inhalers, hubby didn't put his in clear bag, was carrying the blue one in his pocket (put that in tray with loose change and other small items) and orange one was in hand luggage. Nothing was said. That's Dublin, Stansted and Faro.
For return home, Copenhagen Airport's website is saying 100mls or less per container in bag no more than 20x20cms.