Dont worry about it usedtobekazz
You were asking about baby formula did you get a proper response. If not why not ask Andy who is there at the moment what they have in the on site shop. I know it is mad expensive and from what I can remember last year they didnt have an awful lot in that line
We stayed in the Holiday Palace last year and used to visit the HV almost every night. There is a manned barrier on the entrance road which you need to pass to get to both hotels. They give you an electronic card which you have to show to get into the Beach Club - they are very strict about letting people in there.
Good idea, hope he won't mind!!
We are going to the HV in August and our friends will be taking their 6 month old baby. Please please could you check if the hotel shop sells baby formula milk, preferable a British make ie SMA. I know it's a long shot.
Forever grateful.
You could always try e mailing the hotel as well, and see what they say. karen h
to the lady interested in baby formula we were at hv six weeks ago and other than a nestle type thing with cereals added there was no other kind of formula. I took mine in bags in the suitcase (out of the big metal tins) was very glad i did. Also brought nappies off the complex 15 min walk to outskirts of fungerola and take a left by the tiger garage type place you will no it when you see it.
Thanks for the advice it's much appreciated. Is there a kettle in the room do you know to make the milk up or did you heat a pan of water up??
We had a kettle last year but we didnt have a toaster some had toasters and no kettles and some had neither. I would e-mail the hotel to request that there is a kettle in your room. Bring a teatowel.
Thanks Carol. Good idea, we will e mail the hotel nearer the time.
We had a small kettle in our room but it was full of limescale inside with bits falling off inside, so we just used our own little travel kettle if we needed to. karen h
we also had a microwave to heat babs bottles not the safest option i know but quick and painless non the less.
Thanks ever so much for your help. May I ask you did they have the pull out thingy on a wall in the balcony for bits and pieces to dry.
I know it may be a stupid question, but I hate having stuff everywhere.....
Thanks again.
no sadly no thingy to pull out but lots of patio furniture to drape wet stuff on. Just watch out if the wind picks up we had some little girls entire wardrobe one night fortunately her family peered over and recognised clothes on table and asked if they could come and collect it (he he)
Thanks alh!!
im one of those try somewhere different next time people however this place certainly gets under your skin. Think we'll give it a couple of years till little ones a bit bigger and go again then (if i can wait that long) looking for suggestions for next year if you have any? when do you go?
Can't believe it's just 9 more sleeps to go before we head off it seems to have taken an age to get here. for once I am looking forward to coming into work on Monday so that I can really go on a holiday countdown.
Short post today, as little time to post more fully.
Hope you are all looking forward to your hols.
Will update you on Fortress HV tomorrow!
Just a short one, just got back from the HV had a fab time will post my review soon,
Wanted to let all people heading out there know that the reps who are working hard day and night have to pay for any soft drinks including water that they may consume doing activiteys for "first choice" during the day with highs of 100, the same go's for the evening when they run around after kids for hours on end.. they have to pay the same as SC (which are outrages prices) and they are on a lousey wage, with only 1 day off per week, with the view of there are plenty more wanting your job in the sun! So all of you on AI ask them what they want on your way to the bar and grab a tray does'nt cost you anymore, untill first choice looks after its reps maybe we should, after all they are looking after ARE children!
Hope all who are heading out have a fab time too, its a great place!!!!
Last year they were on half board but obviously that has changed.
We looked after them and totally appreciated them while we were there. They have a very hard thankless job with very low wages and very little chance to get a sun-tan.
No they still get there food but only from the restaurant when they manage to make it. But sadly no drinks..
This time next week we'll be setting off in a few hours.
woohoo i cant wait !!!!! I am really excited and half packed<insert loon icon>.
As long as there is sun and a fab pool and air conditioning i'll be chuffed stiff add to that some free booze and unlimited food and well .....

We have decided if we go looking for faults we''ll find them, but if we go to squeeze every ounce of holiday spirit out of the trip then we have a ball!!
speaking of air conditioning...god its hot here tonite! How is it in the holiday village??? San Miguel anyone???

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