Me, hubby and 2 children went to the docs today and have had our Dip, tetanus and Polio in one arm and the Hepatitis and Typhoid in the other. (We have to go back in October for a booster - and then 3 years later for another booster, but this will cover us for quite a few years).
The children actually only needed the Hepatitis and Typhoid but due to the amount of dosage they have to have because of their age it meant they had to have it in injection in both arms rather than a combined injection.
I asked the Nurse if we really needed these and I was advised that we did because Turkey is still a 3rd world country - I have also been advised to check about Malaria tablets before we go because the recomendations are changing so much and if we were to go now we would need the tablets but August is a few months away yet so it could all change again.
I have to say we have all been fine with them (no tears from the children either) and we didn't have to pay for any of them.
I'm terrified of needles but honestly they didn't hurt and its best to be covered.
Go for it ......