Link activated Briar
"don't bother with the malaria tabs you'll be itching uncontrolably for the whole 2 weeks you're in Turkey."
I'm really confused as so many people are offering different opionions regarding Malaria tablets - can anyone please explain to me what is meant by this comment.
I am currently exploring all the websites relating to Malaria but again this is a personal choice that everyone makes and I just don't know what is the right thing as I've never been to Turkey before.
Advice greatly appreciated.
ps thanks Briarskeg and Dorothy

We are travelling to olu deniz in May should we be having any vaccinations? Some say have Hep A etc. but others say no, any ideas?
If you are going to a tourist resort then you don't really need vaccinations. This is entirely your own choice though so if you would feel safer having the injections, then do, but about 95% of those who travel to Turkey don't.
I just go to the nurses at my GP - they have all the up to date info
Hi, we went to Turkey last May. We did not have any jabs, but all the usual ones are up to date. I work at a hospital and got advice from the doctors there. the only problem we had was with mozzi bites. Out of the 8 of us, 6 had no bites whatsoever, and 2 got infected bites all over that swelled up like golf balls. They both needed antbiotics, As are holiday was changed to turkey at last minute we had no time for jabs, but i would certainly look into fully when we next go back. karen h
I wasnt aware Turkey had malaria problems.I have been many times and never had any jabs.I have travelled from the coast to Cappadocia and stopped on the way there and back at little villages and ate in local resturants and have never been ill.If you want to avoid being bitten buy the local potion Kov and nothing that flies will come near you!
Jaytrip, what exactly is the local potion Kov? where do you buy it from?
This Kov is the local insect repellant and can be bought from most corner shops.It used to be in a white plastic bottle.There is another thread from last year on this subject,maybe one of the mods can direct you to it as I think Kov is a shortened name.It isnt just the mozzies that bite me as the sand flies are just as bad.Once I applied this Kov I wasnt bit at all.It really is strong but is what the local people recommended to me.
We did buy some repellant called something "off " cant remember its full name. Got it from the supermarket, used with lemon spray from the market. No bites after that.As for having jabs, i suppose once you have had them your covered for anywhere else you might need them. karen h
Never had an injection in the 12 years I've been going to Turkey
Not having the recommended jabs isn't necessarily the right thing to do - I would seek medical advice and go with whatever your Doctor suggests. They are the ones with the up to date information and your well being is their priority.
We (2 adults and 2 children) have all had our jabs ready for our trip to Turkey in August without any side effects at all - the children didn't even cry so honestly its nothing at all to worry about. (And I'm the one that is terrified of needles!)

Hi, I was just wondering is there any need for vaccinations for my holiday, we are going to Gumbet Sept, any info would be great.
loads of info on this but to put your mind at rest ring NHS Direct 08454647 they will give up to date info
hi, going to turkey in august for the first time, went to my GP on friday and had Hep A jab, plus my tetnus/dipheria was due....go back in 6 months and have a booster, will last for 10 years
I was at my GP's the other day and while I was there I asked about jabs for Turkey. The nurse told me I would need
the only reaction was me with the Polio etc sore and achey arm.
If unsure contact NHS direct was very help when i was undecided. they have different type for different ages
The nurse said if you don't have them and you get one of these diseases then your insurance company can get awkward and refuse to pay.
Insurance companies love to take premiums but hate paying claims.
Hopefully everyone will have a happy trouble free holiday.
Ray & Tina

I think I have left it too late for my typhoid jab.... geniunely forgot... only six weeks to go today
Just to say that we go for our jabs tomorrow 4-30 10 years we have been going to Turkey so renewal time sore arm for a few days last time felt like i had been kicked by a horse.Cheers 4 weeks today to go

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