Greece and other Greek Island Discussion Forum

Discussions regarding holidays in Greece and other Greek Islands.
I got our tickets tuesday i think and we go 5th july most people that booked through firstchoice shop had them about 3 weeks before dept
great fingers crossed :P
hi all
anyone else going out on 5th july at 8:00pm
seems like were the only ones
What wonderful positive postings.

Can't wait now really looking forward to going and having 10 days chilling in the sun with sea and plenty of good food. Hopefully it won't only be the kids making new friends!

I for one am going to have a drink on First Choice on the 2nd July when I am sure that the first guests have arrived and when the first fantastic reviews come through I shall have another.
Hello everyone, I am glad we are back online, It was strange not checking in every day and not knowing why I could not access the website. 1st July is very close now bet you are all excited, I cant wait to hear the reviews from you all, have a great holiday :D

Hi all, what a hassle finding this site again, thanks for pm janemic, but unfortunatly didnt get it till managed to get on site again!! Someone posted a link on another site! Still can't get into it via search engine thou! 2 weeks to go!!
I Know most of you will probably have been to the psychiatrist :lol: suffering withdrawal symptoms but its not over quite yet :roll:
our webmaster still has some issues to sort out (this may take a few days or so) before we are fully back to normal PLEASE stick with us and hopefully we will resume normal transmissions in the near future :wave

  • Edited by Wizard 2006-06-24 18:51:57
Hi ALL...firstly i'd like to thank jane for sending the link....i think WE were ALL worried the site had been deleted....but here is the BETTER news for u ALL............ i finally have the confirmation from FC......

From: Streatham/Retail/FCG
Date: 15/06/2006 04:41PM
Subject: re kos aqua beach club, kos.

hi debbie,
just to confirm that i have spoken to ref chris at the first choice accomodation helpline and he has confirned that all facilities/amenities will be functional as advertised, with the exception of the horse rides as discussed.
He has also advised that we have no building work errata on this property.

any further questions or information needed just let me know ....
kind regards

I do hope this HELPS ALL!!! KABC here we come :pele :glynis :sun :yipee
private e-mail removed for security reasons
That is fantastic news! Thanks for letting us know.

Was supposed to start ironing and packing today for next sat, but ended up sitting in the garden.....doh!

I am supposed to be ironing and packing to but bought my little girl a new bed, damaged most walls getting it upstairs then had to put it together now too tired to do anything and still need to clean before i can think about starting to pack i havent got the motivation yet
Hi Janemick,

I was going beserk wondering whether or not you had the dreaded phone call - but couldn't get on here to find out!!!

Please email me the link that you have been talking about in case the site goes down again. Have sent you a PM, I would be really grateful as you are the first real unbiased person going out there....

I am crossing everything for you, cos this is a lot of money to be sent out to a half finished place. We have no choice but to hang on in there because everything I like is one and half times the price now.

And i feel strongly that, if they cock up they shall pay to put it right after all this worry and stress!!!!!!!!!!!!

Look forward to hearing from you soon

private e-mail removed for security reasons please make contact via the private mail facility
paula luv. please don't stress so much - our holiday is so important to all of us, and if at the end of the day, so long as we have a clean bed to sleep in indecent surroundings and a decent meal infront of us at the end of the day! the rest of the things we can hopefully make the most of and put right when we return. But we must not let it spoil our precisous holiday. We all feel the same and we all hope for the same things..and we all have to believe that this is what we are going to get. I do hope so!!!! Here's all looking out for us babe - feel the same way :lol:
Getting excited now, have gone through all my holiday clothes (to check they still fit) and now washing everthing ready to pack, 4 weeks to go :fly I can't wait, could I also have the link to the other website as I couldn't find anything as up to date as here whilst the site was down.

Ps: am i still the only person on here travelling out on the 26th July???

Link to the other forum, not much was said, think most news we have got to go on is on pg 84 of this site. the post by Net Detective.
FC said it was more then their reputation is worth to send us to building site, so guess thats true, they really cannot afford bad press on KABC.
hi everyone
just started packing today as we only have 10 more days to go
everyone getting really excited
Hi Paula, have not received a PM from you. Abilawson has posted the address of tripadvisor. It is handy to have in case this goes down again as it is getting close now. Just think this time next week will be there :D :D :D :D
Hi everybody,

Nice to be back on the forum again!

In two weeks time we will be in Kos, all being well!

And trying to avoid the World Cup final :wink:

Hi to all

Have been reading with avid interest all of the posts on this site but not brave enough to join in! We are due to be going to the KABC on 2 August (Me Hubby, three children 10,9,4) and are crossing our fingers! Was cheered somewhat by the Net Detective's report, at least there is something going on! Look forward to seeing all the pics from those of you who are going on 1st......Hope that you all have a really great time.

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