Hi All
My son is in Sunny Beach at the moment. He texted me in the early hours of Saturday morning to say that he'd arrived, then he emailed me on Sunday but I haven't heard from him since even though I've texted him twice. I wondered what the reception for mobiles is generally like there, I think he's on 02. Obviously he could get reception because he texted on Saturday but I wondered if it was generally reliable or could be erratic. Any advice appreciated.
I used my phone in Sunny Beach while i was there and had a full signal all the time. Maybe hes enjoying his self too much.
What network are you on? I expect you're right, he probably is enjoying himself too much but I would feel better if he just let me know he is OK.
If I leave my O2 SIM in my phone (I usually just use a Bulgarian SIM when over there) it 'roams' on M-Tel's network, which has probably the best coverage of the Bulgarian cellphone networks and is pretty reliable - even out in the 'sticks'.
He's gpt no excuse to not answer my texts then!!
Does he have a European two-pin adapter for his phone's battery charger?
I was in Sunny Beach from 1 August for 2 weeks and both myself and my friend had trouble texting. We are both on different networks too. I'm on T-mobile and her phone is Tesco's. We managed to work out that if you were only sending very short messages then you were fine but anything longer than a couple of sentences wouldn't send.
Noel - maybe he's having the same trouble and just hasn't realised that if he shortens the message it will send. He's prob tried to text long messages and it's failed so he's given up. I'm sure he's having a ball and is fine

I did send him with an adaptor and his charger. If I don't hear from him in the next few days I'll text his Dad and see if he replies or gets my son to do so. There are reasons why I worry about him more than I should but long story. Thanks for the advice everyone anyway, will let you know if I hear.
We had no problems calling or texting home from an o2 mobile. Maybe he's ran out of credit. If he's anything like my son he probably won't even bother to charge his phone. Hope you hear soon
I texted his dad yesterday but still haven't heard anything. I was thinking of emailing the hotel. I wondered what the chances are of their English being good enough to understand it and also them passing it on. Also he may think that something is really wrong if I go to those lengths to get in touch with him but at least it would save me another week of worry!
If something had happened to your son, you would know by now! If you really feel you have to contact him a phone call to the hotel would be best( not sure he will thank you for it though!).
I do not know what company your son has gone with, but Balkan always give you an emergency number to contact . I always leave this behind with my family, should they want me. Cheers Tonyt
Hi Tony. He has gone with Balkan but I don't have a number for them. Also me worrying doesn't really rate as an emergency does it! I did try emailing the hotel but the email address doesn't work. I think I will try phoning his mobile later. If I get through to him it costs him £1.49 a minute but it serves him right for not keeping in touch when he promised he would!
Balkan Reps no in Golden Sands. 0035952355885 Mr Niki Dragnev why not give him a ring and he will give you Sunny Beach reps no. Niki is a great guy and I am sure he will help you out. Tonyt
thanks for this Tony. Silly question I know but does he speak good English (my Bulgarian is non-existent!!)
Yes pretty good. give it a try, remember nothing ventured nothing gained. Tonyt
The Balkan Reps in Sunny Beach are based in Hotel Pomorie (or they certainly were last year) so a call there should put you in touch with them, if all else fails.
Does anyone know how to get the phone number for the hotel? (including country code etc) It's Kalina Gardens. I've been looking round on the internet but no joy. I have now phoned his mobile but can't get through and also his dad's which is switched off.
Still trying to find the dial code for Sunny Beach

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