They have most mentioned here...the plug ins, Jungle Formula (different strengths) sprays ect ..all pretty cheap & really fast delivery!! They are also good for adapters & stuff..... NOT advertising...just a good site
A good vitamin one too is http://www.Garden.co.uk For the Garlic, Vit B1 too, very fast delivery
I also use They have most mentioned here...the plug ins, Jungle Formula (different strengths) sprays ect ..all pretty cheap & really fast delivery!! They are also good for adapters & stuff..... NOT advertising...just a good site
A good vitamin one too is http://www.Garden.co.uk For the Garlic, Vit B1 too, very fast delivery
Thanks guys I will try and pick up a candle at the weekend

I gave this tip to a lady on holiday last year as she was plaqued by mosquitos and for the rest of the holiday she was mosquito free


hi, i also use Avon SSS ( woodland) , i know avon no longer do this fragrance, was lead to believe it was removed and sent to the troops in Iraq , i have asked my local Avon rep to see if they have brought out another formula , they have and its called Bronze insect repelllant which can be got in spray or cream and is on special offer in avon books now 4 for £15 , its triple action tropical strength. hope this will be helpful .
People were bitten so bad a lot of them were walking around with bandages where they had got infected, one person had in the region of 114 bites !!!!
Anyway my point is..... I took Boots own Insect repellent with me, I bought the Tropical Strength which has 50% DEET in, the tin states that it is suitable for children from the age of 6. We (2 Adults, 2 children 11 &13) used it every night, sprayed from head to toe and we came home with less than 10 bites between us.
I always use Avon's Skin So Soft in Woodland fragrance - the dry oil spray is brilliant to spray on after a shower and before bed...... always use it on my two boys.
An American lady suggested Bounce tumble dryer sheets!! Was a bit sceptical at first but have tried this. I run several times a week, usually at night, and in summer its a pain as I always come back with a bite or two. For the last four nights have tied a bounce sheet to the belt loop of my shorts and have not been bitten yet!!

I'll be taking them to Mexico in a couple of weeks and see what happens.
Its worth a try.
I have never heard of that dizzy, but keep us posted if it works or not, thanks
Sorry, didn't want to trawl through all the previous posts, but does anyone know where you can buy MozzieGaurd?
Here you go.it's what I use too as I have senstivie skin:
For a few years running i have used mosi bands you get two in a packet for around 3 pound at most chemists and supermarkets,you wear them round your wrist or ankle they will last your entire hol i have found them very good and the mossies def like me.Sorry if already mentioned didnt look through all the posts
Tried the mozzie bands on Katie last year in Turkey and they wern`t much good!! but then some products are brilliant for some people and not others. We still use Jungle Formula Extra Strength lotion, and even with Katies sensitive skin/ezcema don`t have any problems or reactions or even bites.
I have just bought my daughter the bands from Mothercare as I am taking her to Icmeler for the first time this year and am not sure whether she will be biten or not? I don't get biten but her dad does. Just wondered if anyone had tried the mothercare ones. She is only 1 and I am having difficulty finding any of the lotions or sprays which she is allowed to use (most you have to be over 3 years of age).
Not sure if this will help anyone. We have just returned from Turkey where major mossie problem. Used Boots Silver bottle with 50% deet in it. we bought spray and wipes. Came back with no bites on any of us for entire two weeks. With regard to sensitive skin, my daughter has a severe skin condition and has done since birth being allergic to most things including many makes of suncream! This spray did not affect her skin in any way. I would recommend it to anyone.
we go to Corfu in two weeks Today!!! We have heard the mozzies are bad there so I am prepared for the worst..... I have got citronella oil for bed linen, citronella incense sticks, plug ins, avon skin so soft, even bought a length of band with citronella in it (from ebay) and you can stitch lengths together for wrist or ankles (will keep literally anything away I think as it stinks so much). We have been told that marmite works, eat it before and whilst on holiday, also the locals say leave your windows open and shutters closed so the blighters can escape, the repellents dont kill them so they need to get away from the all the smells they dont like otherwise they stay buzzing around your room. So.. hope that all helps. will let you know if any of it works!!
Was in Turkey during July, me and my daughter used Avon SSS dry oil body spray using the Soft and Fresh fragrance, my hubby refused to use it and bought the local OFF spray.
What I was wondering though is about the sprays that you get for your body, do you spray your whole body before you go out or just around certain areas like the arms, ankles etc ????
Also is it wise not to use perfume or scented body sprays or deodrants??
Help please, I hate the itchy bites.....

i always get bitten by the little bliters everytime i go away.
last year was told about SSS by Avon all I did was put the dry oil spray on when I got out of shower all over as it softens the skin anyway it worked a treat didn,t get bit while I had it on

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