Also, some have said that the mozzies are devious little buggers and managing to bit under shirts/shorts so advised to spray yourself all over before dressing and not just exposed parts of the body.
Yes that's true, the mozzies needle like syphon can pierce through delicate clothing.
Just a word of warning....Deet the chemical found in insect repellant is very effective and considered to be "safe", but it is only considered "safe" because it is used for short periods and only sprayed on exposed skin.
when it is combined into aftersun, then you will be spreading it all over the body like a moisturiser and there are some concerns about "over exposure"....this you can find if you google.
Must tell you this....
I've been here on the Costa del Sol for over a week and I haven't been bitten, apart from a couple of sand fly bites on the back of my hands from the beach.
Last night we went out for a walk after dinner and I think every mosquito in Europe must have hatched out.
It was incredible, they were everywhere, landing on you, in your hair and I even had them on my spectacles between the lens and my eyes.
They were all over the things in the beach shops and the owners were spraying all night to try and get rid of them....I picked a pair of red shoes up to look at, but soon threw the blinkin things down when I saw half a dozen mozzies crawling on them.
I said to the hubby, sod this for a game of soldiers, you can please yourself, but me, I'm off back to the hotel into the aire conditioning, there are no mozzies there.
I fully expected to wake up this morning with some bites, but I've been using Australian Bodycare lotion for aftersun and it has the strong distinct smell of Tea Tree and dabbing a few drops of Lavendar essential oil on my wrists and the ankles.
I've got some Avon stuff here with me as well, so tonight I'll be drowning myself in it.....just in case last night was not a "one off".