Right i'm just filling in my visa to take to the travel agents tomorrow.
I just need a bit of help on a few questions. And please don't laugh when i ask for answers to some questions.
1- can the form be filled in in blue pen and capitals.
2 on the question fathers name, previous nationality do i just leave it blank as he is just british and the same with the present nationality of the applicant.
3 country from where migrated, do i just leave blank (or do i say mothers womb, sorry)
4 puropse of visit, do i just put holiday.
5 places to be visited in india, do i just put goa, or the name of the hotel i'm staying in.
6 right the referees, can the english ones just be 2 friends in england. But what do i put for the India side.
I think that i'm ok with everything else in the form.
I've decided to take them to the travel agents tomorrow. As the sooner i get them back the better.