Rang again today about the tickets as they hadnt arrived I was told no they still havent gone out and why did I call Holidays 4 u when I booked with Aegean Flights I said because the other was on answerphone and I had already been told the tickets had been sent out, she said that she was the reservations manager and that the tickets should be going out today 1st class so well watch this space I will let you know whether they arrive tomorrow or Monday if not I will be on the phone again as it will only be a week until we are suppose to fly then
I fly out on Monday and received my tickets nearly 3 weeks ago,including luggage labels.
This is a message for Ichmeler girl, we are on the same flight to Dalaman 10th June < I have phoned Aegean flights today as we have still not received our tickets , they say that they will be at the airport to be collected at the Ace handliing desk - I asked why and they said that there was not enough time to send them out !! We booked last August !! Hope it is al lgoing to be ok.
Have you had yours yet?
Thanks Sak46

I have today received my tickets after as you can see several phone calls but yes they have arrived have you tried calling Ace Handling to make sure they normally do give out tickets not looking forward to the long journey via scotland but well at least we have received out tickets now but well I wont believe it now until I get on the plane as I am sure there is something going on.
ichmelor girl you got me thinking what do think is going on? ive checked todays flight to dalaman and that departed on time im also going via scotland but got used to the idea cant wait
I dont know but have you tried calling ace handling at cardiff airport to see if they give out tickets, also I would insist that aegean sent them to me as its not your fault they havent sent them and they have had your money for long enough regsitered post or guarantee next day is the least they can do
ichmelor girl im not going till july so not worried about tickets yet,just wondering what you thought might be going on.just had me thinking for a bit but all the flights are going out ok
This is a message for Ichmeler girl, we are on the same flight to Dalaman 10th June < I have phoned Aegean flights today as we have still not received our tickets , they say that they will be at the airport to be collected at the Ace handliing desk - I asked why and they said that there was not enough time to send them out !! We booked last August !! Hope it is al lgoing to be ok.
Im flying OH380/379 on 18th July and have been reading through this link and am now very scared - Im a nervous flyer, have Onur improved recently?
Firstly, welcome onboard

I wouldn't be scared, I've not heard of any major issues over the last 12 months. In my experience of them and following their record, I would have my reservation of flying with them again though. I'm sure everything will be fine and you'll enjoy your flights, but if you read through my trip reports, there were a few things that concerned me. If you haven't seen it, let me know and I'll repost the link as it's probably buried on this thread. Always remember, the flight crew are very professional and you're in safe hands. I was on OHY380/379 the last time I flew OHY. They normally use their A300B4-605R's. Just think of the delights of Turkey and leave some Efes for the rest of us, I'll be there end of August

If you have any particular things you are aprehensive of, by all means post them here so we can discuss them or over on the fear of flying thread. Many aprehensions are caused by the unknown and it may benefit others.
I always imagine the unimaginable - hate being out of control and am terrified of there being an emergency - but once in Turkey - am glad I put myself through the worry. We are flying in a group of 7 altogether and booked these flights because of the price, but a year ago seemed like a good idea, not so sure now!
Maybe if we flew more often I would feel more comfortable about flying

OHY don't have the best safety history and the reasons for my reservations are detailed in my trip reports. It mainly centres around the cabin crew and the state of some of their aircraft. Their newer A321's are better. Many passengers have an excellent experience with them with many posters on here giving them credit. However, I think I notice or see things from a slightly different perspective. I think every one, even frequent fliers are aprehensive about flying at times. It's natural instinct. We aren't made to cruise at 37,000ft and quite often it's the not being in control of the situation that is the cause. The thought that if anything does go wrong, there's not really much you can do. Rest assured though, the pilots are trained to handle pretty much anything that they could ever face and have often been through those situations many times in simulators. Onur Air can have reasonably cheap fares but I think that's not often the case these days and they're more in line with other operators. The flight times aren't the best either given the flight originates in Turkey. Just try and relax, think of being sat on the beach for the next week or two and I'm sure all will be fine.
Its coming up to that time of year again, and I always find something to worry about whoever we fly with. I know all the facts that its safer the fly than be in a car etc etc etc, but I do say to myself "it could be me", every year my irrational mind takes over - and when I arrive at my destination I wondered what I was worried about in the first place. Just helps to get it off my chest as my family are sick of hearing it year in year out, so I try not to say too much!
Has anyone who has flied with Onur recently? Your views would be very much appreciated.
I know people who has flown with them recently and there are members on here who have recently travelled with them. Have a look back over the last few pages. Their flights have generally been fine although punctuality hasn't been great. Also have a look at Airline Quality for some recent reviews.
I have read through this thread from start to finish. As you say, Im sure everything will be ok, I have to relax, stop worrying and concentrate on what I get at the other end.

I have looked on Manchester Airport at arrivals and departures (another thing I do coming up to my holiday!) and today they arrived and departed on time, so hope it continues that way.
Thanks again.
Does anyone know what type of aircraft they use to Bodrum from Teeside on June 12th?I am so nervous when in the air and it seems these are the only option for the date I can go away.
Do you have your flight numbers? OHY450? That's currently operated by an Airbus A321-200.
I havent booked it yet as I am phoning our friends tonight.The holiday is to the Litera Beach hotel in Gumbet and the reviews are not that good so I will wait to see what our friends think.Its Thomson who are selling this holiday and are singing the praises of both Airline and Hotel.He obviously hasnt heard of HT!

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