I would really appreciate some advice as I am becoming increasingly confused (nothing new for me there then!)
I have flights booked on a First Choice (FCA code) flight from Manchester to Sharm and the online agent apparently booked these through Thomson.
* Having booked the flights the agent requested extra legroom seats on our behalf but Thomson said there are none available. However when I rang First Choice Airways today they said they are available and cost £50 return each.
* Thomson also stated we cannot pay for day before check in at Manchester but First Choice told me today that we can. However, as we need to collect our tickets on arrival at Manchester airport from the Thomson desk, I am concerned that they won't be there as Thomson say we cannot check in the day before
* Finally when we booked the flights online there was no facility to either choose or refuse a meal or select baggage allowance. The agent asked Thomson about these matters and were told there probably won't be a meal but are not sure and think the luggage allowance is 15kg but are not sure. However, when I rang First Choice they said the luggage is 20kg hold and 5kg hand and meals are included.
I am obviously worried about turning up at the airport with 20kg of luggage and being told we are over limit as the booking information we have been sent does not confirm in writing what the allowance is, I have merely been told verbally and we still do not know about the meal.
Sorry about all the questions but I have spent days trying to sort this out. Finally, if we do manage to book extra legroom seats which ones would you recommend on a 757-200 please?