BY-TOM-AMM-FCA, You are quite right, !! I wasn't suggesting for one minute, that seats aren't allocated beforehand. I accept we got lucky and that the check in staff 'bent the rules' for us....
I am flying with FC (booked through Thomson) so can I also check in a day before too? Do you also get to amend where you are seated?

hi wondered if anyone could tell me why theres quite a few delays this morning at Manchester especially the FCA104 to punta cana , was checking this flight as i will be on it in two weeks time but its got a twelve hour delay . thanks petaraven
One of two reasons; an aircraft had a technical problem (I believe requiring an engine change) and there was a problem with a passenger on another flight requiring a diversion to Bermuda, so is causing knock on effects. I believe the Punta Cana flight from MAN is expected to depart at 2115 (delayed from 0940).
Thanks for the info guys
Ah I did wonder why the spare aircraft hadn't been used for Punta Cana
But there is G-OOAN and G-PJLO due to arrive back at MAN at the same time tonight so a healthy pick.
G-PJLO should be operating the delayed FCA104/5. It operates FCA156/7, (arrived at 1945) then goes on to operate FCA104/5. ETD is 2115 to Dom Rep. Not the best way to start a holiday and I hope FCA have allowed returning passengers to stay in resort before taking them to the airport.
am flying to florida next month (cant wait!!), but i have recently been looking at the upgrade on the first choice fight. i have 2 questions
1: is it still possible to upgrade? has anyone ever been called the week beofre offing them an upgrade for a fee?
2: how much does an upgrade cost in the first place?
Thanks All
Star Class Premium generally fills up quite quickly, months in advance. You could give FCA a call and enquire about availability, but I'd be surprised if there are any seats left now. Price depends on availability and demand, but expect around £170 unless they are selling seats on offer.
FCA105 (G-PJLO) is finally on its way back! ETA is 1657z so they've made a bit of time up. They're currently at 33,000ft doing 455kt!

My better half and I will be flying to Montego Bay Jamaica on 23rd December 2008 in star class premier on flight number FCA 0046. I would just like a little information on which plane we will be flying on if I can, also I know I wont be able to find the inflight entertainment information now but is there a link I can have so I can find out nearer the time ?
Thank you in advance for all the help.
Welcome onboard

You'll find lots of information on FCA's Boeing 767-300/ER's and their Star Class long haul experience on this thread. For more details, refer to my trips reports om page 47. First Choice don't publish their entertainment guide so keep checking on here closer to your flight and BY-TOM-AMM-FCA might be so kind to post the listing. In the mean time, if we can answer anything, fire away

Thanks for the quick reply Darren much appreciated. Forgive me for being stupid but is the plane model a boeing 767-300 ?
elliemaybelle wrote:Thanks for the quick reply Darren much appreciated. Forgive me for being stupid but is the plane model a boeing 767-300 ?
It sure is. You'll find links to photos in my previous reply, click on the blue Boeing 767-300/ER. ER at the end just signifies it's the extended range version.
with Thomson merging with First Choice do they use seperate check in desks are are they together flying to Punta Cana soon will it be a dedicated desk or one for all flights . thank you
First Choice don't have check-in desks anymore. They're all Thomsonfly. There's one queue for all flights (flying from MAN aren't you? Heard for desks 46-55 in T2 approx, 56 is Premium).
Edited by
Dazbo HT Mod
2008-07-20 16:44:38
thanks for that info Darren - I hadn't realised that. Flying to PC on 31st July!

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